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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 1 to 10 of 810 results

When should MMIS and /or E&E milestone reviews be conducted?

Alignment with the state's system development life cycle happens during the Project Initiation phase, specifically during Activity 1: Consult with CMS. The state should incorporate CMS milestone reviews into the state's project schedule. The flexibility is in scheduling, not whether milestone reviews are performed. Decisions made between the state and CMS are documented in the Project Partnership Understanding document and can be updated as needed throughout the life cycle.

FAQ ID:95051


For E&E and MMIS, how often do the IV&V progress reports have to be submitted to CMS?

At a minimum, quarterly. Depending on the risk of project activity, the state and CMS may agree that more frequent reporting is appropriate. Any frequency greater than quarterly should be captured in the Project Partnership Understanding document.

FAQ ID:95071


Does the 75 percent FFP apply to program integrity activities associated with eligibility and enrollment?

Verification services that are conducted as part of the eligibility determination process or to validate a client's attestation, after an eligibility record has been entered into the system, will be eligible for 75 percent FFP.

Those verifications performed post eligibility and normally initiated as part of a sampling approach, including audits, PERM or MEQC activities would be considered program integrity activity and eligible for the 50 percent FFP.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93716


I am looking for a dentist in my area who accepts Medicaid. How can I find one?

Use our dentist locator to find a dentist that accepts Medicaid.

FAQ ID:94526


Does the new mandatory EQR network adequacy validation activity have to be performed by the same EQRO that performs the other mandatory activities?

No. Under section 438.356 of the Final Rule, states can contract with one or more EQROs to conduct EQR activities and other related tasks (such as production of the EQR report).

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94661


How should a state that has a section 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver that includes individuals in the EPSDT age group and also individuals beyond their 21st birthday address the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)-related services that are now available through the Medicaid state plan?

The ASD-related services for EPSDT eligible individuals (under age 21) must be provided under the Medicaid state plan and not under the 1915(c) waiver. When the state submits the home and community-based services waiver for renewal or amendment, the state should include a restriction under the "limits" section for that specific service indicating that EPSDT-aged individuals are excluded as the services are fully covered in the state plan. ASD-related services for individuals over age 21 may continue to be provided under the 1915(c) waiver.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93411


Will section 1115 demonstrations continue beyond December 31, 2013?

The section 1115 waiver authority continues and whether a particular waiver continues will vary by State. CMS has been working with States individually to determine the appropriate waivers and expenditure authorities that will be extended beyond December 31, 2013. For example, States that have utilized demonstrations to expand eligibility to the childless adult population will no longer need the expenditure authority because this population will become a mandatory State plan population under the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid eligibility expansion. On the other hand, States that have utilized demonstrations to undertake delivery system reforms may still require waivers and/or expenditure authorities to execute those reforms beyond December 31, 2013.

CMS will work with States to develop and submit the transition plans that are required by the Special Terms and Conditions of each demonstration. These transition plans will serve as a vehicle for discussion of the various options that States will have in 2014 and beyond, including for populations with incomes above 133 percent of the Federal poverty level (FPL). CMS will engage with States during State Operations and Technical Assistance (SOTA) calls to work through State-specific transition issues.

Supplemental Links:


FAQ ID:93016


Can the State Operations and Technical Assistance Team (SOTA) calls replace the requirement for submitting an 1115 transition plan?

The SOTA calls cannot replace the submission of a transition plan, as the plan is a required deliverable under the State's Special Terms and Conditions. However, we expect to use the SOTA calls as a platform for transition planning discussions. We are also available for additional calls with States as needed. We can accept as the State's required early deliverable, a summary of the issues that the State needs to address in the transition plan, given the specific features of its waiver and plans for 2014. We will work with States in subsequent months to fully develop the transition plan to ensure it is in place in time for 2014.

Supplemental Links:


FAQ ID:93026


If a State's demonstration is expiring in 2012, can the State request an extension?

Yes. CMS will continue to consider section 1115 demonstration extension requests. However, the State's proposal must include a plan to address changes in its demonstration that would need to take place to ensure readiness for 2014. Please also note that extension requests are subject to the recently issued transparency final rule (http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR- 2012-02-27/html/2012-4354.htm )and corresponding State Health Officials letter (http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-Policy-Guidance/Downloads/SHO-12-001.pdf (PDF, 136.08 KB) (PDF 0 bytes)), which outlines the new public notice comment and process requirements.

Supplemental Links:


FAQ ID:93031


How will Essential Health Benefits (EHB) be defined for Medicaid benchmark or benchmark-equivalent plans?

Since 2006, State Medicaid programs have had the option to provide certain groups of Medicaid enrollees with an alternative benefit package known as "benchmark" or "benchmark-equivalent" coverage, based on one of three commercial insurance products or a fourth, "Secretary-approved" coverage option. Beginning on January 1, 2014, all Medicaid benchmark and benchmark-equivalent plans must include at least the ten statutory categories of Essential Health Benefits. Under the Affordable Care Act, the medical assistance provided to the expansion population of adults who become newly eligible for Medicaid as of January 1, 2014, must be provided consistent with section 1937 benchmark authority.

For Medicaid alternative benefit plans, three of the benchmark plans described in section 1937 (the State's largest non-Medicaid HMO, the State's employee health plan, and the FEHBP BCBS plan) may be designated by the Secretary as EHB benchmark reference plans, as described in the EHB Bulletin (link below). A State Medicaid Agency could select any of these section 1937 benchmark plans as its EHB benchmark reference plan for Medicaid. There would be no default EHB benchmark reference plan for purposes of Medicaid; each State Medicaid Agency would be required to identify an EHB benchmark reference plan for purposes of Medicaid as part of its 2014-related Medicaid State Plan changes.

If the EHB benchmark reference plan selected for Medicaid were to lack coverage within one or more of the ten statutorily-required categories of benefits, the section 1937 alternative benefit plan would need to be supplemented to ensure that it provides coverage in each of the ten statutory benefit categories. This would be in addition to any other requirements for Section 1937 plan, including Mental Health Parity and Addition Equity Act compliance.

For more information about the Essential Health Benefits, please see CCIIO's bulletin from December 2011 (available at http://cciio.cms.gov/resources/files/Files2/12162011/essential_health_benefits_bulletin.pdf ) and the CMCS informational bulletin from February 2012 (available at http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-Policy-Guidance/downloads/CIB-02-17-12.pdf (PDF, 71.68 KB).

FAQ ID:93036

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