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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

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Can states design a unique benefit package and cost-sharing structure for this population?

Yes. However, the benefit package and cost-sharing structure must be in compliance with separate CHIP rules.

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FAQ ID:93801


Are states required to submit a CHIP State Plan Amendment to provide coverage for children covered under this option?

Yes, states will need to submit a CHIP SPA for approval to provide coverage to children under this group in accordance with section 457.60. CMS will make available a simplified SPA template on which the state may report how these protected children will be identified and enrolled and information on benefits and cost-sharing.

Because of the flexibility provided states in establishing eligibility for separate CHIP programs, states could establish a group within an existing separate CHIP or as a standalone separate CHIP with eligibility criteria specific to the chosen option. For example, a state could establish a CHIP group with eligibility limited to children losing Medicaid at their 2014 redetermination using MAGI methodology. Coverage provided under this group would sunset when the last child eligible for 2101(f) protection came up for their first annual renewal in CHIP.

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FAQ ID:93806


Are states required to do a renewal at the end of the section 2101(f) coverage period?

Yes. States will need to conduct a renewal at the end of the 12-month separate CHIP coverage period in accordance with section 457.343 to determine if the child remains eligible for CHIP and, if not, to determine potential eligibility for other insurance affordability programs and transfer the child's account, as appropriate, to the Medicaid agency or the Exchange.

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FAQ ID:93811


How long does section 2101(f) need to be applied?

As noted above, the protection afforded under section 2101(f) extends until the child comes up for his or her first regular renewal for coverage under the separate CHIP program, which would be 12 months from the child's transfer from Medicaid to the separate CHIP. When the last child eligible for protection under section 2101(f) comes up for renewal in the separate CHIP, the state may discontinue this part of its program.

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FAQ ID:93816


Will states need to maintain 2013 eligibility determination systems in order to implement Section 2101(f)?

No. Systems programmed to determine eligibility based on 2013 rules would not properly determine eligibility based on MAGI methodologies and therefore could not be used to identify these children. Children protected by section 2101(f) are children who lose Medicaid eligibility after MAGI rules (including household composition and family income) are applied but would have remained eligible if the former disregards had also been applied.

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FAQ ID:93821


Does the protection under section 2101(f) apply to children currently enrolled in a separate CHIP that lose coverage as a result of the conversion to MAGI?

No. Section 2101(f) does not apply to children made ineligible for a separate CHIP as a result of the elimination of income disregards. Children losing coverage under a separate CHIP must be screened for eligibility for other insurance affordability programs and their cases electronically transferred per section 457.348.

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FAQ ID:93826


Will states receive the enhanced CHIP match for children protected under section 2101(f)?

Yes. States may claim the enhanced match available under title XXI for children enrolled in a separate CHIP in accordance with section 2101(f).

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FAQ ID:93831


Are there guidelines for the state public awareness campaigns under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act? Are funds available for this provision?

Affordable Care Act Section 4004(i)(2) calls for "state public awareness campaigns to educate Medicaid enrollees regarding availability and coverage of preventive and obesity related services with the goal of reducing incidences of obesity." The statute tasks states with designing the public awareness campaign because states have a better understanding of what outreach efforts will best meet the needs of their state Medicaid and CHIP population. Activities that provide information to beneficiaries about the preventive and obesity-related services covered in the state's Medicaid and CHIP programs will satisfy the requirement. Federal funding would be available for such activities as administrative costs of the Medicaid and CHIP programs.

Some resources that states may want to consider as they move forward with their activities include:

States can receive the 50 percent Medicaid administrative matching rate for public awareness campaign activities, and will receive their existing Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) rate for preventive services.

The Affordable Care Act includes additional funding for states that cover Grade A and B recommended services of the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and all Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended adult vaccines and their administration without cost sharing. CMS has released separate guidance on that provision which can be found at https://www.medicaid.gov/sites/default/files/Federal-Policy-Guidance/downloads/SMD-13-002.pdf (PDF, 138.73 KB).

In addition, CMS can provide technical assistance to states with reporting and interventions that they have in place to improve performance on the prevention core measures.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92671


Would a state that has already shared information about Medicaid coverage of preventive services with enrollees or providers be considered to have satisfied this requirement under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act?

Yes, if a state has undertaken an initiative to provide information on Medicaid coverage of preventive services since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010 then they have met this requirement.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92676


What is required under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act? How does CMS assist states to meet these requirements?

Section 4004(i) requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to provide guidance to states and health care providers regarding preventive and obesity-related services that are available to Medicaid enrollees, including obesity screening and counseling for children and adults.

It also requires states to design public awareness campaigns to educate Medicaid enrollees regarding the availability and coverage of preventive and obesity-related services, with the goal of reducing incidences of obesity.

Lastly, it requires HHS to submit a Report to Congress every three years, beginning on January 1, 2011, which addresses the status and effectiveness of the activities above, including summaries of state efforts to increase awareness of coverage of obesity-related services. The 2014 report can be found at: https://www.medicaid.gov/sites/default/files/medicaid/quality-of-care/downloads/rtc-preventive-obesity-related-services2014.pdf (PDF, 133.39 KB).

Ways CMS helps states meet these requirements include the following:

  1. CMS hosts a series of calls and webinars to support state efforts to inform Medicaid enrollees regarding coverage of preventive services. These calls provide an opportunity for states to share and learn about best practices for education and outreach campaigns, obesity-prevention initiatives, and other Medicaid and CHIP disease prevention activities.
  2. CMS develops fact sheets that address Medicaid coverage of preventive and obesity-related services, which states can personalize and share with providers and other stakeholders.
  3. CMS collects and disseminates examples of state Medicaid program efforts to increase awareness of preventive services.
  4. Additional written resources are published on the Prevention page on the Medicaid.gov website: https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/benefits/prevention/index.html
  5. Technical assistance questions can be sent to: MedicaidCHIPPrevention@cms.hhs.gov

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92661

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