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TMSIS Dataguide
Version 3.27.0


File Segment

File Segment Number


File Name


Last updated

DE Number System DE Number Data Element Definition Valid Values
ELG257 ELG.022.257 RECORD-ID The Record ID represents the type of segment being reported. The Record ID communicates how the contents of a given row of data should be interpreted depending on which segment type the Record ID represents. Each type of segment collects different data elements so each segment type has a distinct layout. The first 3 characters identify the relevant file (e.g., ELG, PRV, CIP, etc.). The last 5 digits are the segment identifier padded with leading zeros (e.g., 00001, 00002, 00003, etc.). ELG257 Values
ELG258 ELG.022.258 SUBMITTING-STATE A code that uniquely identifies the U.S. State or Territory from which T-MSIS system data resources were received. ELG258 Values

A sequential number assigned by the submitter to identify each record segment row in the submission file. The Record Number, in conjunction with the Record Identifier, uniquely identifies a single record within the submission file.


A state-assigned unique identification number used to identify a Medicaid/CHIP enrolled individual (except on service tracking payments). Value may be an SSN, temporary SSN or State-assigned eligible individual identifier. MSIS Identification Numbers are a unique "key" value used to maintain referential integrity of data distributed over multiples files, segments and reporting periods. See T-MSIS Guidance Document, "CMS Guidance: Reporting Shared MSIS Identification Numbers" for information on reporting the MSIS Identification Numbers ID for pregnant women, unborn children, mothers, and their deemed newborns younger than 1 year of age who share the same MSIS Identification Number.

ELG261 ELG.022.261 ELG-IDENTIFIER-TYPE A code to identify the kind of eligible identifier that is captured in the Eligible Identifier data element. ELG261 Values
ELG262 ELG.022.262 ELG-IDENTIFIER-ISSUING-ENTITY-ID This data element is reserved for future use. N/A
ELG263 ELG.022.263 ELG-IDENTIFIER-EFF-DATE The first calendar day on which all of the other data elements in the same segment were effective. N/A
ELG264 ELG.022.264 ELG-IDENTIFIER-END-DATE The last calendar day on which all of the other data elements in the same segment were effective. N/A

A data element to capture the various identifiers assigned to Medicaid and CHIP beneficiary by various entities. The specific type of identifier is shown in the corresponding value in the Eligible Identifier Type data element. States should provide all Old MSIS Identification Number with Eligible Identifier Type = 2 to T-MSIS in case the state changes the MSIS Identification Number of a beneficiary. The state should submit updates to T-MSIS whenever an identifier is retired or issued. States should provide Old MSIS Identification Number with Reason for Change = 'MERGE' to T-MSIS if the state was reporting multiple MSIS Identification Numbers for a single beneficiary and merges them under a single MSIS Identification Number. States should provide Old MSIS Identification Number with Reason for Change = 'UNMERGE' to T-MSIS if the state unmerges a beneficiary from another beneficiary. For example, if a newborn child is originally reported with the mother's MSIS Identification Number and is then assigned a different MSIS Identification Number. States should provide Old MSIS Identification Number with Reason for Change = 'LSE' to T-MSIS if the state assigns a new MSIS Identification Number to any beneficiaries during large system enhancement in state MMIS. States should provide Old MSIS Identification Number with Reason for Change = 'TCAM' to T-MSIS if the Medicaid and Separate CHIP programs use different MSIS Identifier Number schemas and beneficiaries are transferred from CHIP to Medicaid or from Medicaid to CHIP and a new MSIS Identification Number is issued.

ELG266 ELG.022.266 REASON-FOR-CHANGE A code to identify the reason for changing the MSIS Identification Number of a beneficiary and only required for Eligibile Identifier Type = '2-Old MSIS Identification Number'. For example, If MSIS Identification Number of a beneficiary is being changed due to 'Merge with other MSIS ID' or 'Unmerge'. ELG266 Values

A free text field for the submitting state to enter whatever information it chooses.

A record to capture the identifiers assigned to a beneficiary by various entities.

File Segment Length