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TMSIS Dataguide
Version 3.27.0

CMS Technical Instructions

CMS Guidance: Reporting Claims for COVID-19 Testing in the T-MSIS Claims Files

Guidance History

Date Description of Change


Original guidance issued


  • Language added to Brief Issue Description, Background Discussion, and CMS Guidance sections to clarify that claims coding requirements are only applicable to uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing.
  • Addition of Table 2: Suggested mapping of new COVID-19 T-MSIS valid values and procedure codes for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing.

Brief Issue Description

This guidance specifies state reporting expectations for Transformed Medicaid Statistical Information System (T-MSIS) claims data for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing. Coronavirus Disease 2019, or COVID-19, is a respiratory disease caused by a novel coronavirus.[1] The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Alex M. Azar II, declared a public health emergency as a result of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States. The declaration is retroactive to January 27, 2020.[2] This document provides guidance to states to report COVID-19 services in the T-MSIS Claims files.

Background Discussion


Section 6004(a)(3) of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) added Section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XXIII) to the Social Security Act (the Act).[3] During any portion of the public health emergency period beginning March 18, 2020, this provision permits states to temporarily cover uninsured individuals through an optional Medicaid eligibility group for the limited purpose of COVID-19 testing. Such medical assistance, as limited by clause XVIII in the text following Section 1902(a)(10)(G) of the Act, includes: in vitro diagnostic products for the detection of SARS–CoV–2 or the diagnosis of the virus that causes COVID–19, and any visit for COVID–19 testing-related services for which payment may be made under the State plan. For the purposes of this eligibility group, please reference the COVID-19 FAQs on implementation of Section 6008 of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act and Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act for the definition of an uninsured individual.[4] States can claim 100 percent FMAP for services provided to an individual enrolled in the COVID-19 testing group. The 100 percent match is only available for the testing and testing-related services provided to beneficiaries enrolled in the new COVID-19 testing group (and for related administrative expenditures).

While not directly applicable to Medicaid, the FFCRA (section 6001) defines testing-related services for group health plans and health issuers as “Items and services furnished to an individual during health care provider office visits (which term in this paragraph includes in-person visits and telehealth visits), urgent care center visits, and emergency room visits that result in an order for or administration of an in vitro diagnostic product described in paragraph (1), but only to the extent such items and services relate to the furnishing or administration of such product or to the evaluation of such individual for purposes of determining the need of such individual for such product.”[5] Though not necessarily applicable to all Medicaid programs, Medicare uses HCPCS/CPT modifier “CS” to identify COVID-19 testing and testing-related services that are exempt from cost-sharing.[6]


As states begin providing COVID-19 testing and testing-related services to uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing, states must accurately report this information in the T-MSIS Claims files. Without uniform reporting, it is difficult to analyze COVID-19 diagnostic products and testing-related services and expenditures. In addition, as things are changing rapidly, states are encouraged to periodically review the COVID-19 FAQs published by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.[7]

CMS Guidance

To address the completeness and accuracy of reporting services for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services, CMS has provided the following guidance to report services and expenditures in the T-MSIS Claims files. For current Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries, states should map services and expenditures in the T-MSIS Claims files to the valid values for BENEFIT-TYPE, PROGRAM-TYPE, and TYPE-OF-SERVICE that would be used if the services weren't specifically for COVID-19 testing or COVID-19 testing-related services (for instance, using laboratory services). In addition, states who previously implemented the new T-MSIS values for COVID-19 reporting of claims for current Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries will not need to resubmit their claims given this guidance update. States should make this change moving forward with their T-MSIS Claims files for existing Medicaid and CHIP beneficiaries. For uninsured individuals, it’s important for states to submit the new TYPE-OF-SERVICE, BENEFIT-TYPE, and PROGRAM-TYPE valid values as far back as is applicable to the uninsured population. Some states may need to fix and resubmit for claims for uninsured individuals.

There are three data elements in the T-MSIS Claims files that states should use to report COVID-19 diagnostic products and testing-related services: BENEFIT-TYPE (CIP268, CLT218, COT209, CRX148), PROGRAM-TYPE (CIP129, CLT079, COT065, CRX055), and TYPE-OF-SERVICE (CIP257, CLT211, COT186, CRX134). Table 1 shows the changes to the valid values for these data elements. These changes will be incorporated into the T-MSIS data dictionary at a future date but should be implemented by states immediately.

Table 1. T-MSIS Data Dictionary new valid values and descriptions to capture COVID-19 diagnostic products and testing-related services for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing (to be implemented by states immediately)

Data Element New Value New Value Description



COVID-19 Testing and Testing-Related Services



In vitro diagnostic products (as defined in section 809.3(a) of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations) administered during any portion of the emergency period defined in paragraph (1)(B) of section 1135(g) beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph for the detection of SARS–CoV–2 or the diagnosis of the virus that causes COVID–19, and the administration of such in vitro diagnostic products



COVID–19 testing-related services



In vitro diagnostic products (as defined in section 809.3(a) of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations) administered during any portion of the emergency period defined in paragraph (1)(B) of section 1135(g) beginning on or after the date of the enactment of this subparagraph for the detection of SARS–CoV–2 or the diagnosis of the virus that causes COVID–19, and the administration of such in vitro diagnostic products



COVID–19 testing-related services

There are data elements captured at both the header and line level on the Claims files that should be reported for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services. States should ensure that there is consistency across these data elements for COVID-19 reporting. For example, a claim for a COVID-19 test should be reported with TYPE-OF-SERVICE “136” and BENEFIT-TYPE “107” at the line level and PROGRAM-TYPE “17” at the header level of the claim.

    • PROGRAM-TYPE (CIP129, CLT079, COT065, CRX055): A value of “17” should be reported for any COVID-19 diagnostic product that is administered during any portion of the emergency period, beginning March 18, 2020, or COVID–19 testing-related services for which payment may be made under the State plan. PROGRAM-TYPE “17” should always be reported at the header level for claims for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services.
  • CLAIM-LINE-RECORD-IP/LT/OT/RX- CIP00003/CLT00003/COT00003/CRX00003
    • TYPE-OF-SERVICE (CIP257, CLT211, COT186, CRX134):
      • A value of “136” should be reported for any COVID-19 diagnostic product that is administered during any portion of the emergency period, beginning March 18, 2020, to an uninsured individual who receives limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services.
      • A value of “137” should be reported for any COVID–19 testing-related services provided to an uninsured individual who receives limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services for which payment may be made under the State plan.
    • BENEFIT-TYPE (CIP268, CLT218, COT209, CRX148):
      • A value of “107” should be reported for any COVID-19 diagnostic product that is administered during any portion of the emergency period, beginning March 18, 2020, to an uninsured individual who receives limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services.
      • A value of “108” should be reported for any COVID–19 testing-related services provided to an uninsured individual who receives limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing and testing-related services for which payment may be made under the State plan.

CMS recognizes that states have worked with their billing/policy staff to make changes to T-MSIS to report COVID-19 testing and testing-related services. Further COVID-19 guidance about other data elements such as XIX-MBESCBES-CATEGORY-OF-SERVICE (CIP270, CLT224, COT211, CRX150) and XXI-MBESCBES-CATEGORY-OF-SERVICE (CIP271, CLT225, COT212, CRX151) may follow. CMS has also updated validation rule logic in the Operational Dashboard to accept new CPT, HCPCS, ICD-10 and any other national standard codes used to identify COVID-19 related services.

Table 2 below provides suggested mapping of relevant procedure codes to program type, type of service, and benefit types codes. The codes below are provided as an initial starting point for procedure codes that would be expected to be reported for testing and testing-related services. States may also consider diagnosis codes in their mapping. Please note that states are not limited to only the procedure codes identified in Table 2 for testing and testing-related services if your state has identified additional services codes.

Table 2. Suggested mapping of new COVID-19 T-MSIS valid values and procedure codes for uninsured individuals who receive limited Medicaid coverage for COVID-19 testing

Service category Description PROGRAM-TYPE TYPE-OF-SERVICE BENEFIT-TYPE Type of service specified in FFCRA PROCEDURE-CODE
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing U0001
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing U0002
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing U0003
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing U0004
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing 87635
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing G2023
Diagnostic testing To identify diagnostic testing services, identify claim lines with one of the procedure codes in the PROCEDURE-CODE column. 17 136 107 COVID testing G2024
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99201
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99202
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99203
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99204
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99205
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99211
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99212
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99213
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99214
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Outpatient/Office evaluation and management service 99215
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99217
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99218
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99219
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99220
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99224
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99225
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99226
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99234
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99235
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Observation evaluation and management service 99236
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Emergency department and management service 99281
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Emergency department and management service 99282
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Emergency department and management service 99283
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Emergency department and management service 99284
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Emergency department and management service 99285
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99304
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99305
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99306
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99307
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99308
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99309
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99310
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99315
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Nursing facility evaluation and management service 99316
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99324
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99325
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99326
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99327
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99328
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99334
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99335
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99336
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Domiciliary, rest home, or custodial care evaluation and management service 99337
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99341
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99342
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99343
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99344
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99345
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99347
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99348
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99349
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Home evaluation and management service 99350
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Online evaluation and management service 99421
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Online evaluation and management service 99422
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Online evaluation and management service 99423
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Online evaluation and management service G2010
Testing-related services To identify testing related services, identify claim headers with at least 1 diagnostic testing service (based on PROCEDURE-CODE) and one evaluation and management code. 17 137 108 Online evaluation and management service G2012
