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Register for Fall Webinars, New Guidance on ABLE Act, & Other Announcements

SMDL: Implications of the ABLE Act for State Medicaid Programs

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is providing guidance to states on how to treat “ABLE” accounts in Medicaid financial eligibility determinations. The Stephen Beck, Jr., Achieving a Better Life Experience Act of 2014 (the ABLE Act), enacted in 2015, created a program under which people with disabilities can save money for their disability-related expenses in tax-advantaged accounts. Because disability can serve as a basis for Medicaid eligibility, many individuals who apply for Medicaid on the basis of having a disability may be interested in opening an ABLE account, and this letter provides guidance to states on the treatment of funds in, contributions to, and distributions from an ABLE account for purposes of Medicaid eligibility. 

Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) 

Comment Period: Medicaid IAP Quality Measures (Due September 27, 2017)

In fall 2015, CMS’s Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) kicked off a three-year measurement development contract with Mathematica Policy Research, the Medicare-Medicaid Coordination Office, and the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services’ Disabled and Elderly Health Programs Group. The IAP portion of the contract entails the development or refinement of a small number of measures in key gap areas related to the IAP program areas.

IAP is seeking public comment on a quality measure concept currently under development.  The measure concept is Self-Direction of Services and Supports among People Receiving LTSS through Managed Care Organizations.

To learn more about these measures  (visit the zip files in the Download section on this web page)

Medicaid Value-Based Payment Approaches and Key Design Considerations National Learning Webinar (October 5, 2017)

To assist Medicaid and CHIP agencies, CMS’s Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) will host a state learning webinar on Thursday, October 5, 2017 from 3:00 – 4:00 PM ET on Medicaid value-based payment (VBP) approaches, including key considerations when selecting and designing a VBP approach. The webinar will:

  • Review the goals of VBP strategies and the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network’s Alternative Payment Models Framework.
  • Detail common Medicaid VBP approaches, such as pay for performance, bundled payments, shared savings/shared risk approaches, and global payments.
  • Outline design elements and factors for consideration, such as measure selection, risk adjustment, and attribution, before implementing an approach.
  • Describe features of and considerations for implementing VBP in Medicaid managed care programs.

This is the first webinar of a series of VBP-focused national learning webinars the Medicaid IAP is hosting in October/November. Subsequent webinars will build off the concepts shared during this first webinar, but you do not need to join the first one to participate in the others. Please save the date and be on the look-out for more information about the others:

  • Medicaid Value-Based Payments for Children’s Oral Health- October 19th from 2:00-3:00 pm ET
  • Medicaid Value-Based Payments for Substance Use Disorders- October 26th, 2:00-3:30 pm ET
  • Medicaid Value-Based Payments for Maternal and Infant Health- November 2nd, 2:00-3:00 pm ET

Improving the Quality of Medicaid Encounter Data National Learning Webinar (October 12, 2017)

To assist Medicaid and CHIP agencies with their data analytic needs, CMS’s Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program (IAP) will host a state learning webinar on Thursday, October 12th from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM ET on improving the quality of Medicaid encounter data. In this interactive webinar, states will learn about approaches to improving their encounter data.

Presenters will share different perspectives on improving the quality of encounter data. A guest speaker from the state of Minnesota will discuss their Medicaid managed care structure data flow and their approaches to quality assurance, benchmarking, and timely data feedback. Additionally, a representative from the National Association of Health Data Organizations will discuss best practices in data collection, analytics, and output reports for encounter data, as well as the use of shared or public data to improve results.

Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program Releases Data Use Agreement Factsheet

The Medicaid Innovation Accelerator Program’s (IAP), Improving Care for Medicaid Beneficiaries with Complex Care Needs and High Costs (BCN) program area released a Data Privacy, Data Use, and Data Use Agreements (DUAs) Factsheet. Data sharing is a critical component of many Medicaid payment and delivery system reform efforts, particularly for those targeting BCNs. Leveraging data from many different sources and across agencies can be complex and extremely challenging, often requiring the creation of inter-agency Data Use Agreements (DUAs). The brief highlights some of the challenges faced by states participating in the BCN program area, as well as several resources these states found useful in developing DUAs, including two state example DUAs. States embarking on inter-agency data use can leverage these tools as they pursue data sharing as part of their Medicaid delivery system reform efforts.

Upcoming Calls and Webinars

Cost Factors & Rate Assumptions Template

Wednesday, September 13, 2017 from 1:30pm to 3:00pm

This training will roll out a new cost factors & rate assumption job aid which will include a table that states can fill out to summarize their cost factors/assumptions and final rates (including the ability to enter information for acuity tiers and/or geographic variation). Lewis & Ellis with assistance from Navigant Consulting is currently the training lead through the Rate Review Multi-Award Contract overseen by the Division of Long Term Services & Supports (DLTSS).  Lewis & Ellis and Navigant Consulting will present the training and Ralph Lollar, DLTSS Division Director, and the DLTSS Team will support the training and lead the Q&A Session. Please see attachment for slides.

To join the call (via computer or WebEx app) and webinar:

  1. Go to the webinar 
  2. Enter your name and email address (or registration ID).
  3. Enter the session password: This session does not require a password.
  4. Click "Join Now".
  5. Follow the instructions that appear on your screen.

Option #2” To join Toll Free and follow along with slide deck:

  1. Dial: 1-844-396-8222 Your WebEx Meeting Number: 908 621 799
  2. Follow the instructions you hear on the phone.

MACPro 2017 Quality Measures Submissions: State In-System Demonstration

Please join us for an upcoming MACPro system training.  This session will walk state users through the process of submitting Child, Adult, and Maternal and Infant Health Quality Measures data in MACPro, as well as highlight changes implemented for the 2017 reporting period.

Date: Wednesday, September 27, 2017 12 – 4 PM EST, 9 AM – 1 PM PST

Purpose: Who Should Attend: State staff involved with collecting, calculating, and the submission of data for the ChildAdult, and Maternal and Infant Health Quality Measures in MACPro.

Webinar and dial-in information will be forthcoming.

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