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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 31 to 40 of 810 results

What documentation is required for claiming FFP for Medicaid SBS? Does service documentation need to include the Medicaid enrollment status of an individual practitioner (not just the LEA)?

As stated on page 91 of the 2023 Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming, as required by CMS, the supporting documentation file for each claim of FFP must include, at a minimum, the following:

  • Date of service
  • Name of recipient
  • Medicaid identification number
  • Name of provider agency and person providing the service
  • Nature, extent, or units of service
  • Place of service

Within an IEP many of the above requirements may be found, including:

  • Name of recipient/child
  • Eligibility for IDEA services and the child’s present level of achievement
  • Name of provider agency/LEA
  • Nature, extent, or units of service (called the frequency and duration of services)
  • Place of service (called either the location or placement)

LEAs should review their State’s guidance for service documentation. Many States require additional information beyond the CMS requirements, such as a diagnosis code.

FAQ ID:162371


If an RMTS activity indicates the delivery of an evaluation (psychological, therapy, etc.) where medical necessity is determined through documentation, but no plan is developed, is code 4C the appropriate code?

If medical necessity has been determined, Code 4C. Direct Medical Services – Covered on a Medical Plan of Care, Not Covered as IDEA/IEP Service is the correct code. This code should be used when district staff (employees or contracted staff) provide covered direct medical services under the SBS Program where documented on a medical plan other than an IEP/IFSP or where medical necessity has been otherwise established.

FAQ ID:162396


What are the objectives of the TAC, and how can stakeholders best engage with and contact the TAC? Furthermore, what types of support can stakeholders expect to receive from the TAC?

Generally, the TAC goals are to:

  • Support SMAs, SEAs, LEAs, and school-based entities seeking to expand their capacity for providing Medicaid SBS.
  • Help states reduce administrative burden and simplify billing for, LEAs, in particular small and rural LEAs, and support compliance with Federal requirements regarding billing, payment, and recordkeeping, including by aligning direct service billing and school-based administrative claiming payment systems.
  • Support state entities in obtaining reimbursement for providing and expanding Medicaid SBS, including a comprehensive list of best practices and examples of approved methods that SMAs and LEAs have used to pay for, and increase the availability of, assistance under Medicaid, including expanding State programs to include all Medicaid-enrolled students, providing EPSDT services in schools, utilizing telehealth, coordinating with community-based mental health and substance use disorder treatment providers and organizations, coordinating with managed care entities, and supporting the provision of culturally competent and trauma-informed care in school settings
  • Ensure ongoing coordination and collaboration between states, ED, and CMS regarding Medicaid SBS.
  • Provide guidance with regard to utilization of various funding sources.

Please email the TAC at SchoolBasedServices@cms.hhs.gov for any questions about Medicaid SBS or technical assistance.

FAQ ID:162331


I'd like to join the TAC webinars. Where can I sign up, and will there be a recording if I can't make it to the live session?

The TAC’s upcoming events with registration information can be found here: Upcoming Events | Medicaid. Registration links will also be provided via email. Individuals from SMAs, SEAs, LEAs or school-based entities are invited to email the TAC at SchoolBasedServices@cms.hhs.gov to be added to the distribution list. For those unable to attend, recordings of webinars will be posted two weeks after the event here: Past Events | Medicaid. Those registered for the webinar will be sent the recording when it becomes available.

FAQ ID:162286


Where should inquiries regarding the expansion of school-based services under Medicaid and the 2023 Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming be directed?

All inquiries for the TAC and CMS regarding Medicaid School-Based Services and the 2023 Comprehensive Guide to Medicaid Services and Administrative Claiming should be directed to the TAC mailbox at SchoolBasedServices@cms.hhs.gov. More information on where to send SPA submission packages, including submission systems, pages, and CMS 179 Forms, can be found on Slide 9 of the following CMS Training Slides: https://www.medicaid.gov/state-resource-center/downloads/spa-and-1915-waiver-processing/training-slides.pdf

FAQ ID:162311


Given that the expansion of school-based services is still new for many States, how can the TAC and CMS help States better understand EPSDT services?

The TAC is working to compile best practices from States and work with SEAs, LEAs, and SMAs to come up with ways to expand school-based services. EPSDT is a guarantee of coverage for certain benefits for EPSDT-eligible beneficiaries, but not an independent Medicaid service. The TAC plans to cover the subject of EPSDT during webinar in 2024. Additional information on the EPSDT benefit can be found here: Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment

FAQ ID:162296


What is the process and timeline for CMS review and approval of SPAs? Additionally, what are the essential requirements for an SPA?

In order to submit an SPA package, States will formally submit a cover letter that briefly states the intention behind the SPA, a revised Form 179, the revised, applicable State plan pages, and if applicable, a sample cost report with cost report instructions. Please note that CMS does not formally approve the cost report, however the agency’s analysis of it will help to ensure the State is determining cost in a manner consistent with applicable regulation and statutes. Once a State submits an SPA to CMS, the agency has 90 days in which it can approve the SPA, disapprove the SPA, or formally request more information to determine whether the SPA comports with applicable regulations and statutes. If the agency sends a formal request for additional information (RAI), the State then has 90 days to formally respond to the RAI. Once the State responds, CMS has 90 days to either approve or disapprove the SPA.

FAQ ID:162411


Are there examples of SPAs that can be used to implement school-based services?

Yes, examples of approved SPAs for States that expanded services beyond IDEA services (e.g., Arizona, Colorado, Illinois, New Mexico) can be found on CMS' website at the following link: https://www.medicaid.gov/resources-for-states/medicaid-state-technical-assistance/medicaid-and-school-based-services/technical-assistance-materials/index.html

It's important to note that each State, District of Columbia, and territory is unique, and it is crucial to ensure that the SPA aligns with the specific needs and laws of the State.

FAQ ID:162416


Given that LEAs no longer use Social Security numbers for identifying students, finding Medicaid identification numbers for students and determining Medicaid eligibility has become challenging. How are CMS and the SBS Technical Assistance Center addressing this issue?

The system used to identify Medicaid members is unique to each State. The Technical Assistance Center can help with research and work with States to identify best practices to address this issue. We recommend the SMA work with LEAs to develop an integrated system used by both entities.

FAQ ID:162406


Does CMS have suggestions for how to ensure that procedural and diagnostic coding for specific services in the school setting are the same as in other settings?

There are no federal requirements for Current Procedural Terminology or International Classification of Diseases codes for Medicaid billing. States may have their own requirements, however. We advise communication between SMAs, SEAs, and LEAs within a State to ensure proper SBS coding guidance.

FAQ ID:162381

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