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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 41 to 43 of 43 results

Can hospitals rely on third party contractors to provide support in administering presumptive eligibility (PE)?

When hospitals determine PE, they are subject to the same general rules set out for other qualified entities that may determine PE, including that they cannot "delegate the authority to determine presumptive eligibility to another entity." (See 42 CFR 435.1102(b)(2)(vi). However, they may implement PE with the support of third party contractors. For example, hospitals can rely on third party contractors to help staff their in-hospital PE operations, by staffing welcome desks, meeting with consumers, and helping them fill out PE applications as long as the hospital takes responsibility for the PE determinations that result. In addition, the regulations at 42 CFR 435.1102(b)(2)(vi) do not limit the ability of third party contractors to assist individuals in completing and submitting the full application.

Hospitals that conduct off-site, targeted outreach may also employ third party contractors to reach out to individuals who may be Medicaid eligible and assist them with a presumptive application and the single streamlined application at the individual's request. Hospitals must oversee such off-site outreach to ensure hospital accountability for the PE determinations, including hospital review and approval of the PE recommendations made by non-hospital employees. States should not unduly limit a hospital's ability to rely on third-party contractors as long as the hospital is not delegating its authority to determine presumptive eligibility to a third party and is meeting appropriate state-established performance standards.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91656


How can states keep track of all active PE providers?

Keeping track of all eligible providers is important to ensure ongoing training and that the providers have regular updates in policy as well as to review performance, implement performance standards and develop quality assurance measures. Some states maintain a centralized list of all providers who have completed the process for learning the state's policies and procedures; the state may wish, for example, to periodically review the list by calling all identified providers or settings and asking whether or not listed individuals are currently conducting PE determinations. It is important for states to ensure, over time, that hospital PE is functioning throughout the state.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91671


How can states engage hospitals on the issue of hospital PE - either to encourage participation or simply to gauge interest?

States have used a number of strategies to engage hospitals, such as reaching out to the state hospital association or local hospital groups, sending hospitals a letter of interest to get feedback on their plans to participate in the program, and inviting hospital representatives to teleconferences and webinars about the policy. CMS has also reached out to various hospital associations to advise them of this new provision and the federal guidance supporting it.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91681

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