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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 11 to 20 of 39 results

Our state uses multiple cost centers with varying cost-to-charge ratios in our calculation of the inpatient hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Does the template accommodate this?

Yes, the template allows the use of multiple cost centers with multiple cost-to-charge ratios. The state would separately report the costs and payments associated with each of the cost centers in the cost template. To differentiate the cost centers, the state would append the Medicare Certification Number (Medicare ID) (variable 112) with a letter, for example an -A, -B, or -C, that would be used as a unique identifier for each cost center.

FAQ ID:92266


Our state uses multiple methodologies for the three ownership categories in the calculation of our inpatient hospital Upper Payment Limit (UPL). Do the templates permit the use of multiple methodologies?

Yes, the templates allow the use of multiple methodologies. The state would complete the templates associated with the UPL methodologies used. For example, if the state uses a cost-based methodology for state owned hospitals and a payment-based methodology for private hospitals, then the state would complete the cost template for the state owned hospitals and the payment template for the private hospitals. When using multiple methodologies, the state should insert a new tab in the templates that summarizes the UPL gap calculations for each of the ownership categories (state government owned, non-state government owned, and private), unless a summary worksheet is already included in the workbook.

FAQ ID:92271


How should Upper Payment Limit (UPL) supplemental payments be entered in the template?

The state should report the expected amount of supplemental payments to be made during the period covered by the UPL demonstration. Supplemental payments should be entered into variables 303.1, 303.2, and 303.3 for the Inpatient Hospital and Outpatient Hospital templates and 313.1, 313.2, and 313.3 for the Nursing Facility templates. The state should provide detail in the notes tab on the types of supplemental payments and the related dollar amount of each payment.

FAQ ID:92291


How and when should the Medicaid hospital tax/provider assessment be included in the inpatient hospital template?

The cost of the tax should be reported in Variable 401 - MCD Provider Tax Cost. A state may separately report the Medicaid portion of the cost of a provider assessment/tax only when it is using a cost based methodology to calculate the UPL. A state may not include this cost when calculating a DRG or Payment based UPL demonstration.

FAQ ID:92366


How should a state report Upper Payment Limit (UPL) data for out of state providers?

The UPL data for out of state providers does not need to be included in the UPL demonstration. If the state has provider level data then it may include it in the demonstration within the private ownership category of providers.

FAQ ID:92426


How does section 2001(a)(5)(B) of the Affordable Care Act impact states currently covering children 6-18 up to 133 percent of the FPL under a separate CHIP?

Section 2001(a)(5)(B) of the Affordable Care Act (implemented through regulations for the Medicaid program at section 435.118) increased the minimum income limit applicable to Medicaid eligibility for the mandatory group for poverty-level related children aged 6-18 from 100 to 133 percent of the FPL under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VII) of the Act. Therefore, if a state is currently covering uninsured children up to 133 percent of the FPL under a separate CHIP, these children must be transitioned to the Medicaid state plan under this children's group effective January 1, 2014. CMS is available to work with states individually on their transition plans for this population.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92606


Are these children who are being transferred from CHIP to the Medicaid state plan considered optional targeted low-income children under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(ii)(XIV) of the Act?

No. For the purposes of eligibility, these children are considered a mandatory Medicaid group for poverty-level related children under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VII) of the Act. As described below, states will continue to receive the CHIP matching rate for this population.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92611


Will new applicants/children ages 6-18 with incomes between 100 and 133 percent of the FPL with other health insurance qualify for coverage under the Medicaid state plan?

Yes. Under the Medicaid mandatory group for poverty-level related children under section 1902(a)(10)(A)(i)(VII) of the Act, insured children must be covered in addition to uninsured children (please also see applicable match rate questions below). This is different from the rules governing a separate CHIP program, which preclude coverage for insured children.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92616


Does 2001(a)(5)(B) of the Affordable Care Act impact children eligible in a separate or Medicaid expansion that are currently covered at income levels above 133 percent of the FPL?

No. States continue to have the option to cover children above 133 percent of the FPL either under a Medicaid expansion or separate program. States must maintain CHIP "eligibility standards, methodologies, and procedures" for children that are no more restrictive than those in effect on March 23, 2010 as specified under the "maintenance of effort" provision at 2105(d)(3) of the Act. A parallel requirement in Medicaid can be found at sections 1902(a)(74) and 1902(gg) of the Act. These provisions are effective through September 30, 2019.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92621


Will states continue to receive the CHIP enhanced FMAP for children currently enrolled in a separate CHIP up to 133 percent of the FPL after the transition to coverage of these children under the Medicaid mandatory group for poverty-level related children?

Yes. The CHIP enhanced FMAP will continue to be available for children whose income is greater than the Medicaid applicable income level (defined in section 457.301 and based on the 1997 Medicaid income standard for children) after these children transition to Medicaid. This includes children who previously qualified for CHIP in a separate program and uninsured children whose family incomes are up to 133 percent of the Federal poverty level, and therefore will be eligible for Medicaid in 2014. Regular Medicaid matching rates will apply for all other children covered under the mandatory group for children aged 6-18-children with income no more than 100 percent FPL and insured children with income above 100 percent to 133 percent FPL.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92626

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