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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 71 to 80 of 84 results

What happens if there is a conflict between information in the flat file and information about the same individual that is already in the state's systems?

As applicant information is entered into state systems, there will be some applicants that will be known to the system, such as people who previously applied to or enrolled in Medicaid, family members of current beneficiaries, and possibly beneficiaries of other human services programs. If, based on this information known to the system, the state finds information that indicates the individual is unlikely to be eligible for Medicaid under MAGI rules, then the state may treat such information as an inconsistency. Just as states are not enrolling applicants on the flat file who have an inconsistency in their income or residency information based on FFM verification without further evaluation, states may also not enroll applicants based on the flat-file data for whom there are discrepancies based on state system information. We will work with states that would like to pursue other options for dealing with information found in state systems when entering individuals from the flat file.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91911


What if I encounter an account with a long Application_ID or Member_ID?

This issue has been identified to be resolved but the state can proceed to enroll these accounts. The expanded flat file will contain several other fields giving enough information to effectuate enrollment while this issue is resolved. We will work with states that believe they have a problem proceeding to enroll these applicants.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91961


How will a state determine a child's household composition when the child leaves the home of his/her parent(s) to live with a caretaker relative, but is still expected to be claimed as a tax dependent by one or both parents.

CMS regulations at 42 CFR 435.603(f)(2) provide that the parents would be included in the child's household in this situation. However, if the parents do not intend to continue to claim the child as a tax dependent for the following tax year, states may alternatively use the option provided at 435.603(h)(3) to consider the child's move to the live with another caretaker relative as a "reasonably predictable change in income" and apply the non-filer rules to the child at 435.603(f)(3). Under the non-filer rules, neither the parents nor the caretaker with whom the child is living would be included in the child's household for purposes of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility.

Note that to be claimed as a "qualifying child," children generally must live with their parents for at least half of the year (certain exceptions apply), but parents may also be able to continue to claim a child as a "qualifying relative." States are not expected to determine whether or not a parent is permitted to claim their child as a tax dependent or not, but states may wish to consult IRS Publication 501 to better understand the general requirements which must be met for a tax filer to claim another individual either as a "qualifying child" or "qualifying relative." IRS Publication 501 can be accessed at the following link: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p501.pdf.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92571


Is there a difference between the definition of Indian/Native American for Medicaid and the Exchange. Can you clarify what the difference is?

For purposes of eligibility for coverage through the Marketplace, the Affordable Care Act defines Indians as individuals who are members of a federally recognized Indian Tribe. The definition of Indian currently in use for Medicaid beneficiaries follows a broader definition that includes descendants of Indians and all American Indians and Alaska Natives. As a result, American Indians and Alaska Natives who are not members of an Indian tribe would not be eligible for exemptions available through an Exchange, including from individual responsibility payments, qualification for special monthly enrollment periods and cost-sharing reductions.

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FAQ ID:92576


What are some examples of income that is not considered taxable, and therefore excluded from MAGI?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Veterans' disability, Workers' Compensation, child support, federal tax credits, and cash assistance are common types of income that are not taxable. Please see Question 5 below for additional details on veterans' benefits.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92581


Will Veterans Administration (VA) benefits be counted as taxable income effective January 1, 2014?

The IRS has provided guidance on how VA benefits should be considered when calculating income. As noted in IRS Publication 17, states should not count any veterans benefits paid under any law, regulation or administrative practice administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs in their income calculations. CMS agrees that VA benefits are not part of the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) calculation.

Following are some examples of payments issued to veterans' or their families that are not taxable:

  • Education, training and subsistence allowances
  • Disability compensation and pensions payments for disabilities paid either to veterans or their families
  • Grants for homes designed for wheelchair living
  • Grants for motor vehicles for veterans who lost their sight or the use of their limbs
  • Veterans' insurance proceeds and dividend paid either to veterans or their beneficiaries, including the proceeds of a veteran's endowment policy paid before death
  • Interest on insurance dividends left on deposit with the VA
  • Benefits under a dependent care assistance program
  • The death gratuity paid to a survivor of a member of the Armed Forces who died after September 10, 2001
  • Payments made under the compensated work therapy program
  • Any bonus payment by a state or political subdivision because of service in a combat zone

Additional information on how the IRS views veteran's income can be found at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p17.pdf.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92586


How should states handle eligibility renewals between January 1, 2014 and March 31, 2014 in order to comply with the ACA provisions that prohibit states from terminating an individual's existing Medicaid eligibility prior to April 1, 2014.

According to section 1902(e)(14)(D)(v) of the Act, implemented at 42 CFR 435.603(a)(3), a person enrolled in Medicaid on or before December 31, 2013, shall not be found ineligible solely because of the application of MAGI and new household composition rules before March 31, 2014, or the individual's next regular renewal date, whichever is later.

States have two options regarding implementation. They can apply both pre-MAGI rules and MAGI rules to anyone whose renewal date falls between January 1 and March 31, 2014 as described below. Alternately, states may request the waiver authority to delay renewals outlined in our May 17, 2013 guidance titled, "Facilitating Medicaid and CHIP Enrollment and Renewal in 2014" (available at http://medicaid.gov/sites/default/files/Federal-Policy-Guidance/downloads/SHO-13-003.pdf).

The steps described below will ensure that Medicaid enrollees who come up for renewal between January and March 2014 are addressed appropriately. For example, for an individual who comes up for renewal on February 1, 2014, states need to:

  1. Conduct an eligibility redetermination by applying MAGI-based methods (at the converted income standard). If eligible, renew coverage for a 12-month period ending in February 2015.
  2. If the individual is found to be ineligible under step 1, determine whether s/he remains eligible based on 2013 (current) methods and income standard. If so, a finding of eligibility until April 1, 2014 is necessary under the 2013 methods. Go to step 4.
  3. If the individual is not eligible per either step 1 or 2, consider whether the individual might be eligible on other bases of eligibility, and pursue any possibilities. If no other pathways apply, provide the individual with notice of termination and appeal rights and transfer their account to the Exchange (or CHIP) for eligibility determination and enrollment in a QHP (or CHIP).
  4. On April 1, 2014, for those who remain eligible per step 2 (using 2013 methods and income standards), consider whether the individual qualifies on other bases of eligibility. If the individual does, renew eligibility until April 1, 2015. If not, provide notice and appeal rights for termination effective April 1, 2014.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92596


What are preventive services and obesity-related services under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act?

Preventive services include immunizations, screenings for common chronic and infectious diseases and cancers, clinical and behavioral interventions to manage chronic disease and reduce associated risks, and counseling to support healthy living and self-management of chronic conditions, such as those associated with obesity. A list of preventive health care services recommended as Grade A or B by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force can be found at: https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/uspstf-a-and-b-recommendations/.

Through Medicaid's children's benefit - Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) - children under age 21 enrolled in Medicaid are assured coverage for preventive and comprehensive health services. States cover adult preventive services within Medicaid through both mandatory and optional benefit categories. Some preventive services (such as those related to family planning) may be defined in a state's mandatory set of benefits while others may be included in the optional benefit category. As a result, Medicaid programs differ from state to state on the coverage of preventive services for adults.

Obesity-related services are those services that help prevent and manage unhealthy weight. Medicaid and CHIP programs can cover a range of services to prevent and reduce obesity including Body Mass Index (BMI) screening, education and counseling on nutrition and physical activity, prescription drugs that promote weight loss, and, as appropriate, bariatric surgery.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92666


Are there guidelines for the state public awareness campaigns under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act? Are funds available for this provision?

Affordable Care Act Section 4004(i)(2) calls for "state public awareness campaigns to educate Medicaid enrollees regarding availability and coverage of preventive and obesity related services with the goal of reducing incidences of obesity." The statute tasks states with designing the public awareness campaign because states have a better understanding of what outreach efforts will best meet the needs of their state Medicaid and CHIP population. Activities that provide information to beneficiaries about the preventive and obesity-related services covered in the state's Medicaid and CHIP programs will satisfy the requirement. Federal funding would be available for such activities as administrative costs of the Medicaid and CHIP programs.

Some resources that states may want to consider as they move forward with their activities include:

States can receive the 50 percent Medicaid administrative matching rate for public awareness campaign activities, and will receive their existing Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) rate for preventive services.

The Affordable Care Act includes additional funding for states that cover Grade A and B recommended services of the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) and all Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended adult vaccines and their administration without cost sharing. CMS has released separate guidance on that provision which can be found at https://www.medicaid.gov/sites/default/files/Federal-Policy-Guidance/downloads/SMD-13-002.pdf (PDF, 138.73 KB).

In addition, CMS can provide technical assistance to states with reporting and interventions that they have in place to improve performance on the prevention core measures.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92671


Would a state that has already shared information about Medicaid coverage of preventive services with enrollees or providers be considered to have satisfied this requirement under section 4004(i) of the Affordable Care Act?

Yes, if a state has undertaken an initiative to provide information on Medicaid coverage of preventive services since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in March 2010 then they have met this requirement.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92676

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