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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 21 to 30 of 32 results

How should Upper Payment Limit (UPL) supplemental payments be entered in the template?

The state should report the expected amount of supplemental payments to be made during the period covered by the UPL demonstration. Supplemental payments should be entered into variables 303.1, 303.2, and 303.3 for the Inpatient Hospital and Outpatient Hospital templates and 313.1, 313.2, and 313.3 for the Nursing Facility templates. The state should provide detail in the notes tab on the types of supplemental payments and the related dollar amount of each payment.

FAQ ID:92291


How should more than two adjustments to the per diem be addressed in the nursing facility template for both Medicare and Medicaid Per Diem?

A state may report adjustments by using the following variables: Adjustments to Medicare Per Diem #1 - Variable 212.1 and Adjustments to Medicare Per Diem #2 - Variable 212.2 for the Medicare Per Diem and Adjustment to Medicaid Per Diem #1 - Variable 314.1 and Adjustment to Medicaid Per Diem #2 - Variable 314.2 for the Medicaid Per Diem. A state may report more than one adjustment under a single variable. For example, if the state has three adjustments to their Medicaid per diem, one of these adjustments can be reported in variable 314.1 and the other two adjustments can be added together and reported in variable 314.2. When reporting any adjustment, the state must provide a detailed description of the adjustment(s) in the notes tab.

FAQ ID:92296


What are examples of what would be appropriate adjustments to the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) in step 9 (Adjustments to the UPL and UPL Gap Calculation) (field 408) of the template?

Variable 408 (Adjustment to the UPL Gap) is intended to allow states to report adjustments to their UPL gap, to the extent that these adjustments are not accounted for in other variables. Here, states could report broad-based increases or reductions in payment, such as a Medicaid volume adjustment for managed care expansion. The source of values input into variable 408 may differ by state. Whenever a state reports data in variable 408 it must include a comprehensive note describing the adjustment.

FAQ ID:92301


For our Nursing Facility (NF) Upper Payment Limit (UPL) calculation we separate Medicaid allowable costs into three categories: salaries and benefits, operating costs, and property costs. Based on previous guidance from CMS, we do not apply an inflation factor to the property costs. In looking at the template, it appears the inflation factor is applied to all costs. Is this correct?

Where inflation is not applied to property costs, please separate out this cost from the Medicare UPL by reporting these amounts in variable 402 - Adjustment to the Medicare UPL.

FAQ ID:92361


Are states required to use the Outpatient Hospital Serves (OPH) Upper Payment Limit (UPL) template to demonstrate the clinical diagnostic laboratory (CDL) services UPL?

No, the template does not include variables to report clinical diagnostic laboratory services.

FAQ ID:92371


What information does CMS expect to be included in the Notes tab?

The Notes tab should include any and all information to fully support the state's UPL demonstration. CMS expects states to provide clarifying information in the Notes tab. For example, this information would provide details for the adjustments to Medicare as input in variables 212.1 and 212.2, various supplemental payments in variables 313.1, 313.2, and 313.3, and adjustments to Medicaid in variables 314.1 and 314.2. In addition to reporting through the notes tab, the state also has the option of using the guidance document or narrative to fully support its UPL demonstration.

FAQ ID:92376


Our state covered institutions for mental disease (IMD) under the inpatient hospital and nursing benefit. Should we conduct a separate UPL for these facilities?

No, facilities that are licensed, covered, and paid under the Medicaid state plan as inpatient hospital or nursing facilities should be included in the UPL calculated for those services. There is no regulatory requirement to conduct separate calculations for designated facility "types" within each of the applicable service categories. States do not need to provide separate UPL demonstrations for IMDs covered under the inpatient hospital or nursing facility services benefit.

FAQ ID:92381


How will a state determine a child's household composition when the child leaves the home of his/her parent(s) to live with a caretaker relative, but is still expected to be claimed as a tax dependent by one or both parents.

CMS regulations at 42 CFR 435.603(f)(2) provide that the parents would be included in the child's household in this situation. However, if the parents do not intend to continue to claim the child as a tax dependent for the following tax year, states may alternatively use the option provided at 435.603(h)(3) to consider the child's move to the live with another caretaker relative as a "reasonably predictable change in income" and apply the non-filer rules to the child at 435.603(f)(3). Under the non-filer rules, neither the parents nor the caretaker with whom the child is living would be included in the child's household for purposes of Medicaid and CHIP eligibility.

Note that to be claimed as a "qualifying child," children generally must live with their parents for at least half of the year (certain exceptions apply), but parents may also be able to continue to claim a child as a "qualifying relative." States are not expected to determine whether or not a parent is permitted to claim their child as a tax dependent or not, but states may wish to consult IRS Publication 501 to better understand the general requirements which must be met for a tax filer to claim another individual either as a "qualifying child" or "qualifying relative." IRS Publication 501 can be accessed at the following link: http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p501.pdf.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92571


Is there a difference between the definition of Indian/Native American for Medicaid and the Exchange. Can you clarify what the difference is?

For purposes of eligibility for coverage through the Marketplace, the Affordable Care Act defines Indians as individuals who are members of a federally recognized Indian Tribe. The definition of Indian currently in use for Medicaid beneficiaries follows a broader definition that includes descendants of Indians and all American Indians and Alaska Natives. As a result, American Indians and Alaska Natives who are not members of an Indian tribe would not be eligible for exemptions available through an Exchange, including from individual responsibility payments, qualification for special monthly enrollment periods and cost-sharing reductions.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92576


What are some examples of income that is not considered taxable, and therefore excluded from MAGI?

Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), Veterans' disability, Workers' Compensation, child support, federal tax credits, and cash assistance are common types of income that are not taxable. Please see Question 5 below for additional details on veterans' benefits.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92581

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