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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

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What if a state later determines that a person enrolled based on information in the flat file is not eligible for Medicaid or CHIP?

In a letter dated November 29, 2013, (see http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-PolicyGuidance/downloads/SHO-13-008.pdf (PDF, 117.76 KB)) CMS offered states the opportunity to apply for a waiver under section 1902(e)(14)(A) of the Social Security Act to allow them to make temporary enrollment decisions based on the information included in the flat file. So, as long as states follow the procedures outlined in the guidance and other applicable rules with respect to eligibility and claiming, federal funding is available for this temporary enrollment. Individual's circumstances might change and other factors might arise that could change the outcome of the eligibility determination once the state evaluates eligibility based on the full account transfer. Federal funding is not at risk for states that follow appropriate procedures to enroll beneficiaries based on the FFM's determination or assessment of eligibility.

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FAQ ID:91926


We understand that if we use the expanded flat file for enrollment, applicants are eligible to receive Medicaid for 90 days for assessment states and that we will run them through a MAGI-based determination in the future. If we enroll someone based on the flat file, and then become aware of additional information regarding the individual's eligibility before we receive the full account transfer, do we need to act on that information?

Since the waiver is a temporary grant of authority, if changes in circumstance are reported then states have the flexibility to choose to act on reported changes immediately or wait until the full determination occurs. If a state has the capability to review and process the changes reported they can do so, and if a state does not wish to act upon reported changes during this temporary waiver period that is also permissible. States should discuss with CMS how to document the state's policy regarding changes in circumstance in the waiver request.

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FAQ ID:91931


If an application contains a household which is a mixed case with MAGI and non-MAGI individuals, how should the state process enrollment in this situation?

Because the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) is providing eligibility determinations/assessments for Medicaid under the MAGI standard, the state can process enrollment for MAGI individuals under the waiver authority. Since the FFM is providing non-MAGI applicant referrals on the expanded flat file, the state would act upon the non-MAGI referrals in the same manner as it would through the account transfer service.

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FAQ ID:91936


What are the security requirements for receiving and acting upon the expanded flat file? Can we follow processes consistent with paper applications (logging starts once the information is entered into the eligibility system)?

Yes, all the regulations and security constraints that apply to paper applications are necessary with the expanded flat file. The state would need to maintain the same level of security for the expanded flat file as they would in regard to paper applications.

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FAQ ID:91941


What if an account contains an out of state address?

Applicants can apply for whatever state they choose. Sometimes someone will want to file an application for a state they don't currently live in. For example, if they are temporarily residing outside the state or have a family member or tax dependent that needs coverage who lives there. When an applicant applies on the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM), they provide their home address and that information is used to validate the eligibility criteria of state residency during the eligibility determination process. If an applicant does not indicate they have a home address in the state they are applying to, and they do not indicate they are temporarily absent from the state, they will be denied Medicaid, CHIP and APTC for that state in accordance with state and federal rules. However, an applicant can always request a full determination, and in doing so, the account is transferred to the state indicated. In order to respond, the state will need to verify residency, and approve or deny Medicaid as applicable.

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FAQ ID:91946


What if there is an account for someone who is already enrolled in Medicaid?

The flat file contains only accounts that have been determined/assessed as eligible for Medicaid or referred for a full determination at the applicant's request. If an individual applies at the FFM, is potentially eligible for Medicaid based on income, and does not indicate that he or she is currently enrolled in Medicaid, the FFM does not check for other coverage. The state would do a check with its system as they do when an applicant applies directly to the state and take appropriate action if the person is already enrolled.

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FAQ ID:91951


Is a disability determination eligible for the 75% match?

No. A disability determination is not directly related to the eligibility determination, even though the outcome of that determination may be used to identify the appropriate eligibility group, financial methodology and the benefits that will be available to the individual. The eligibility group, financial methodology and benefits are based on the state plan, not on the eligibility system. Although the disability determination itself is not eligible for the 75% match, the entry of the disability information into the eligibility system may be matched at 75%. This analysis is based on the SMM Sec. 11276.7 B, which discusses prior authorization and claims processing. The prior authorization itself is not eligible for the 75% match, however the program decision, based on that prior authorization, to pay or not pay a claim that is pending in the system is eligible for the 75% match.

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FAQ ID:92651


Are application assisters, navigators and out-stationed eligibility workers eligible for the 75% match?

Individuals who assist applicants by facilitating their applications, who perform outreach activities, or who enter application data on behalf of the applicant are not eligible for the 75% match. Only individuals who are authorized by the single state agency to enter data other than application elements into the eligibility system, who have responsibility for evaluating data in order to make an eligibility determination, who are authorized to exercise discretion in the evaluation of data, who are authorized to make an eligibility determination and who are accountable to the single state agency for such determinations are eligible the 75% match for those activities. This includes eligibility workers, whether in house or out-stationed, as long as there is a formal, written agreement with the single state agency that authorizes their eligibility activities and specifies direct lines of accountability to the single state agency. Both intake workers and on-going eligibility workers who meet these requirements may be claimed at 75%, based on appropriate cost allocations.

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FAQ ID:92656


Is a level of care assessment eligible for the 75% match?

No. The 75%/25% matching rate for eligibility systems is limited by the statute to activities directly related to an eligibility determination. A level of care assessment is not directly related to the eligibility determination. Although the assessment itself is not eligible for the 75% match, the entry of the level of care result into the eligibility system may be matched at 75%.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:92646


Can states claim 75 percent FFP for ongoing operational costs of their eligibility determination system? What costs are eligible for the enhanced FFP?

Yes, 75 percent FFP is available for ongoing costs of operating approved eligibility determination systems, often referred to as "E&E" systems, that meet the Standards and Conditions for Medicaid IT and critical success factors. (See: State Medicaid Director Letter on APD Requirements dated June 27, 2016 (SMD# 16-009), to be found at https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/federal-policy-guidance.html.

Section 1903(a)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act provides 75 percent FFP for costs associated with operating an approved Medicaid management information system (MMIS). The Medicaid manual further clarifies at Section 11276.3 A. MMIS Operations, "FFP at 75 percent is available for direct costs directly attributable to the Medicaid program for ongoing automated processing of claims, payments, and reports. Included are forms, use of system hardware and supplies, maintenance of software and documentation, and personnel costs of operations control clerks, suspense and/or exception claims processing clerks, data entry operators, microfilm operators, terminal operators, peripheral equipment operators, computer operators, and claims coding clerks if the coded data is used in the MMIS, and all direct costs specifically identified to these cost objectives. Report users, such as staff who perform follow-up investigations, are not considered part of the MMIS."

States may claim 75 percent FFP for the costs of certain personnel closely associated with operating claims processing and related systems under MMIS. As noted in our final rule, Medicaid Program; Federal Funding for Medicaid Eligibility Determination and Enrollment Activities (CMS-2346-F), in response to comments, "enhanced funding is available for staff time spent on mechanized eligibility determination systems in the same manner that they apply to all mechanized claims processing and information retrieval systems, since mechanized eligibility determination systems are now considered to be part of such systems, assuming the requirements of this section are met." (See: https://www.federalregister.gov/articles/2011/04/19/2011-9340/medicaid-program-federalfunding-for-medicaid-eligibility-determination-and-enrollment-activities ).H59 Additional information on FFP rates, including tables delineating specific covered costs, is available in the State Medicaid Director Letter on Enhanced Funding dated March 31, 2016 (SMD# 16-004), to be found at https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/federal-policy-guidance.html.

States should work closely with CMS during the APD process to provide appropriate documentation concerning their cost allocation and claiming plans. In states where workers determine eligibility or provide customer service for multiple health and human service programs, costs should be allocated across programs, as discussed further in FAQ# 40811.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93696

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