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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 31 to 40 of 143 results

Will retroactive provider payments by health plans - necessitated by the State's retroactive payment of the higher rates to health plans - be subject to timely claims filing requirements in 42 CFR 447.46? If so, may states impose liquidated damages or other penalties on health plans for violating those requirements?

Any retroactive payments made to providers in order to ensure that eligible providers receive the applicable Medicare rate for eligible services will not be considered claims subject to the requirements in 42 CFR 447.46.

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FAQ ID:91411


Can managed care plans under contract with a state use their own definitions of primary care providers and services for purposes of complying with CMS 2370-F rule?

While we recognize that health plans may have unique definitions of primary care providers and services, the availability of the increased Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) is limited to the scope of eligible primary care providers and primary care services as defined in statute and implemented by this rule.

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FAQ ID:91416


When will the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provide standardized contract language reflecting the requirements of this provision as mentioned during the All-State Call on November 8th?

CMS will be working collaboratively with the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) to develop the contract elements necessary to reflect the requirements of this rule. In recognition of the State Medicaid Agency's role in the contracting practice, CMS will describe the suggested content areas rather than issue standardized contractual language. These elements will be described in further detail in a future (Question and Answer) Q&A document.

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FAQ ID:91421


How will states with Medicaid managed care programs comply with the requirement to report provider participation levels specified in 42 CFR 447.400(d)(1)?

At this time, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is not defining the form of information required under 42 CFR 447.400(d)(1), but we do suggest that states with Medicaid managed care programs conduct a baseline assessment of primary care access before the provision goes into effect. This baseline assessment will ensure that Congress, CMS, and researchers have comparative data to evaluate this provision.

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FAQ ID:91426


A number of provisions in the Final Rule were not subject to substantive changes but were redesignated in a new section in 42 CFR part 438 and have an implementation date of July 5, 2016. Will states be required to amend regulatory citations in approved contracts or contracts currently under CMS review?

CMS understands that many managed care contracts include a general provision that incorporates changes in federal law during the course of the contract term. Amendments to approved contracts, or contracts under CMS review, for the purpose of updating regulatory citations is not necessary. However, the citations will need to be updated for the next contract year. Outdated regulatory citations in contracts without such a general provision will need to be updated for the next contract year.

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FAQ ID:93426


Do all states need to submit contracts and rate certifications to CMS 90 days prior to the effective date of the contract pursuant to section 438.3(a)?

No. If a state does not have a state law or policy that requires CMS approval of the contract and capitation rates prior to the effective date of the contract, the 90 day timeframe is not applicable. However, as a general matter, states should submit the contracts and rates 90 days prior to the start of the contract term. CMS intends to provide future guidance on the prior approval requirements as a condition of claiming FFP in section 438.806, which are distinct from the requirements at section 438.3(a).

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FAQ ID:93431


It appears that section 438.210(a)(2), which addresses the amount, duration, and scope of Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment services (EPSDT) under managed care, incorrectly cross-references "subpart B of part 440" rather than "subpart B of part 441." In addition, the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 broadened the statutory requirements for EPSDT beyond those reflected in 42 CFR part 441. Please clarify how this error will be addressed.

There is a technical error in section 438.210(a)(2) as the cross-reference should have incorporated subpart B of part 441 rather than subpart B of part 440. All Medicaid beneficiaries under age 21 are entitled to EPSDT services, whether they are enrolled in a managed care plan or they are in fee-for-service. Under section 1905(r) of the Social Security Act (the Act), EPSDT services must include ""[s]uch other necessary health care, diagnostic services, treatment, and other measures described in section 1905(a) to correct or ameliorate defects and physical and mental illness and conditions discovered by the screening services, whether or not such services are covered under the State plan."" CMS intends to issue a regulatory correction to address this error. We also want to remind readers that sections 1902(a)(43) and 1905(r)(5) of the Act are applicable to the provision of EPSDT, despite not being expressly incorporated in part 441. Detailed guidance on EPSDT can be found in ""EPSDT"" A Guide for States: Coverage in the Medicaid benefit for Children and Adolescents, June 2014, available at https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/benefits/downloads/epsdt_coverage_guide.pdf (PDF, 613.1 KB).

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FAQ ID:93436


Does the requirement in section 438.4(b)(5) that payments from any rate cell must not cross-subsidize or be cross-subsidized by payments for any other rate cell mean that the actuary must use assumptions that are unique to each rate cell?

No. CMS addressed this provision at page 27569 of the Final Rule. Section 438.4(b)(5) does not require there to be different assumptions (such as trend or age, gender, or regional rating) for each rate cell and does not prevent the use of the same assumptions across more than one rate cell. The prohibition on cross-subsidization among rate cells under the contact is to ensure prudent fiscal management and that the capitation rate for each rate cell is independently actuarially sound.

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FAQ ID:93441


Are managed care plans permitted to maintain more than one level of appeal?

No. For the rating periods for contracts starting on or after July 1, 2017, managed care plans may not maintain more than one level of appeal. Section 438.402(b) requires that MCOs, PIHPs, and PAHPs ""may have only one level of appeal for enrollees."" Note that states may modify managed care contracts to require managed care plans to provide one level of internal appeal in advance of the rating period for contracts starting on or after July 1, 2017, as subpart F in the 2002 final rule permitted states flexibility as to the number of internal appeals. Please see page 27509 of the Final Rule for additional explanatory information.

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FAQ ID:93446


Can states elect to permit enrollees to request a State fair hearing without first exhausting the managed care plan's appeal process?

No, not for the rating period for contracts starting on or after July 1, 2017. Section 438.402(c)(1)(i) requires that the enrollee exhaust the internal level of appeal before requesting a State fair hearing. Note that if the MCO, PIHP, or PAHP fails to adhere to the notice and timing requirements in section 438.408, section 438.402(c)(1)(i)(A) provides that the enrollee is deemed to have exhausted the internal level of appeal and may request a State fair hearing. States may modify managed care contracts to require exhaustion of the internal level of appeal in advance of the rating period for contracts starting on or after July 1, 2017, as subpart F in the 2002 final rule permitted states flexibility to determine whether exhaustion would be required. Please see page 27509 of the Final Rule for additional explanatory information.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93451

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