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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 11 to 20 of 121 results

Is the relevant Medicare rate both the 'floor' and 'ceiling' for health plan payments to eligible providers for eligible services under CMS 2370-F?

The applicable Medicare rate does effectively become the "floor" for payments to eligible providers for eligible services, but not the "ceiling." Health plans may pay above that rate depending on their specific contractual arrangements with providers.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94246


Will Medicaid health plans be required to pay eligible providers the higher rate prior to receiving payment from the State for the higher rate?

While some plans may be able to pay the higher rate prior to receiving state funds, the final rule does not obligate a health plan to pay eligible providers the higher rate until they have been provided the funds to do so.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94251


May providers self-attest through the use of a claims modifier to qualify for CMS 2370-F?

The State will issue a communication instructing providers that only those who are board-certified in a specified specialty/subspecialty or who meet the 60 percent threshold of appropriate claims history are eligible to receive the rate increase.

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FAQ ID:94271


Can a state review providers whose claims meet the 60 percent threshold and assume that those providers would be automatically eligible?

Each physician must self-attest to being a qualified provider. It is not appropriate for a state to rely on a modifier to a claim for the initial self-attestation. Under the final rule, states are not required to independently verify the eligibility of each and every physician who might qualify for higher payment. Therefore, it is important that documentation exist that the physicians themselves supplied a proper attestation. That attestation has two parts. Physicians must attest to an appropriate specialty designation and also must further attest to whether that status is based on either being Board certified or to having the proper claims history. Once the signed self-attestation is in the hands of the Medicaid agency, claims may be identified for higher payment through the use of a modifier.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94276


With respect to the use of board certification to confirm a physician's self-attestation for CMS 2370-F eligibility must the physician's board status be current or is initial board certification sufficient?

The certification must be current. If it has lapsed but the physician still practices as an eligible specialist the self-attestation would need to be supported with a 60 percent claims history.

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FAQ ID:94296


CMS clarified in the final rule for CMS 2370-F that, for out of state providers, the beneficiary's home state (e.g., state A) may defer to the determination of the physician's home state (e.g., state B) with respect to eligibility for higher payment. However, if states A and B receive different Medicare locality adjustments, which locality rate must be paid?

As with all Medicaid services, the state in which the beneficiary is determined eligible (state A) sets the payment rate for services. Therefore, state A would be responsible for paying using the methodology it had chosen with respect to determining the appropriate Medicare rate and would not be required to pay the rate the physician would receive from state B.

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FAQ ID:94361


When does the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) plan to issue a correction to the mistake they noted during the call with Medicaid agencies regarding payment under CMS 2370-F at the lesser of a provider's billed charge or the Medicare rate?

The correction was published in the Federal Register on December 14, 2012. In it CMS clarified that states must reimburse providers the lower or the provider’s charge or the applicable Medicare rate.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94376


Are Indian Health Services (IHS) excluded from the increased provider payments under CMS 2370-F? Is there any change in FMAP under CMS 2370-F for primary care services delivered through IHS?

IHS and tribal facilities are often not separately paid for physician services, but instead receive an all-inclusive rate for inpatient or outpatient service encounters. To the extent that a particular claim is made for primary care services furnished by an eligible physician, there is no exclusion from the requirement for provider payment at least equal to the Medicare Part B fee schedule rate. States would continue to receive Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) at the 100 percent rate for services received through IHS and tribal facilities and reimbursed through the all-inclusive rate. For other physician services, including Medicaid payments for contract health services, states would receive the regular FMAP for the base payment, and 100 percent for the difference between the state plan rate in effect on July 1, 2009 and the applicable 2013 and 2014 Medicare rates.

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FAQ ID:93956


The preamble of the final rule under CMS 2370-F makes it clear that salaried eligible physicians employed by counties must receive the higher payment for eligible Evaluation & Management (E&M) and vaccine services. Does this same logic apply to physicians employed by hospitals and, if so, is it the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) expectation that the Medicaid agency will assure that the salaries of those physicians are increased?

Physicians employed by hospitals whose services are reimbursed by Medicaid on a physician fee schedule must receive the benefit of higher payment. It is the Medicaid agency's responsibility to ensure that hospitals receiving payments on behalf of those physicians comply with all requirements of the program. While hospitals could increase salaries they could also provide additional/bonus payments to eligible physicians to ensure that they receive the benefit of higher Medicaid payment.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93961


The final rule under CMS 2370-F clarifies that the 60 percent threshold for eligibility is based on services billed. Are billed services to be defined based on the number of units submitted or dollars?

The 60 percent threshold is based on the number of billed services as identified by individual billing codes for the primary specialty being asserted. That is, the numerator equals total billed codes for Evaluation & Management (E&M) services for the primary specialty, plus vaccine administration services, and the denominator equals the total number of billed codes. Please note that a state may choose to use paid billing codes/services in place of billed codes.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93966

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