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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 61 to 62 of 62 results

How will populations that are currently eligible based on net income, but will not qualify based on MAGI in 2014, be treated? Will these individuals have an opportunity to enroll in another insurance affordability program after March 31, 2014 or their next redetermination, whichever is later?

As stated under section 1902(e)(14)(D)(v), if the application of the new MAGI-based methods would be the cause of an existing Medicaid beneficiary's (i.e., one determined eligible based on current methods and enrolled in the program prior to January 1, 2014) becoming ineligible for continued coverage based on income, the individual retains Medicaid eligibility until March 31, 2014 or the next scheduled renewal, whichever is later. If, at the appropriate time, an individual is determined to no longer qualify for the current eligibility group, under longstanding Medicaid rules the individual's eligibility must be assessed under other possible eligibility groups before Medicaid eligibility may be terminated (see section 435.930(b) and section 435.916(f)). In accordance with 435.1200, if the individual is no longer Medicaid eligible, the state agency must evaluate the individual for potential eligibility for enrollment in a qualified health plan (QHP) through the Affordable Insurance Exchange, or Marketplace, and for CHIP.

Since the eligibility rules for Medicaid, CHIP and enrollment in a QHP through the Exchange are aligned, we do not expect that the evaluation for potential eligibility for these other programs to pose a burden on state agencies. Once determined to be potentially eligible for another program, the regulations call for ensuring that the information concerning the potentially eligible individual is transferred electronically to the other program.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94091


Will states still be required to convert their income counting methodology to Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) for purposes of determining eligibility regardless of whether they expand to the adult group? If so, how do states link the categorical eligibility criteria to the MAGI?

Yes, as required by law. Conversion to modified adjusted gross income eligibility rules will apply to the nonelderly, nondisabled eligibility groups covered in each state, effective January 2014, without regard to whether a state expands coverage to the low-income adult group. The new modified adjusted gross income rules are aligned with the income rules that will be applied for determination of eligibility for premium tax credits and cost-sharing reductions through Exchanges; the application of modified adjusted gross income to Medicaid and CHIP will promote a simplified, accurate, fair, and coordinated approach to enrollment for consumers. CMS has been working with states to move forward with implementation of the modified adjusted gross income rules, and consolidation and simplification of Medicaid eligibility categories.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94621

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