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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 11 to 20 of 45 results

Will states receive detailed reconciliation data returned to them after submitting their durable medical equipment (DME) federal financial participation limit demonstration?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will analyze state data provided to CMS and return the detailed information comparing the data sent from the state to the lowest and average Medicare rates for the relevant DME in the state on the aggregate. CMS will work with states during 2018 to assist with reporting necessary information under the new statute, and will run data reports for states before the end of the year if requested. A state that wishes this review should contact the Medicaid DME team by email at: MedicaidDME@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:93596


Should states set both a purchase and rental rate for capped rental items on the report since Medicaid pays purchase only for some of the Medicare capped rental items due to market demands?

States are not required to change how they pay for items because of the statute. If a Medicaid program only purchases Medicare capped rental items, then that is the payment and utilization we will compare to Medicare’s rates in determining the aggregate expenditures. States are not obligated to alter their coverage of durable medical equipment due to the statute.

FAQ ID:93601


If Medicare changes a rate mid-year, how will the reporting requirement account for that change? Or how will the state be informed of the change?

For the aggregate demonstration of Medicaid expenditures, we intend to use the Medicare rates released for services on or after January 1 of each year. We would suggest that states setting their rates according to Medicare rates in the state plan would follow a similar practice. States are, of course, welcome to use the quarterly updates of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) if that’s their intention, but we are not requiring those rate updates beyond the January 1 DMEPOS update.

FAQ ID:93606


Can states that pay for inpatient hospital services using Diagnosis Related Grous (DRGs), but historically used a cost-based UPL, continue to use the cost-based Upper Payment Limit (UPL) method?

Yes, states may use UPL methodologies that are different from their payment methodologies. For example, a state may pay for inpatient hospital services using a Medicaid APR-DRG methodology, but use a cost methodology to compute the Medicare upper payment limit for its UPL demonstration.

FAQ ID:92386


How do I withdraw a submission package?

A State may withdraw a submission package once it has been submitted to CMS. Withdrawing a submission package takes it out of contention and the submission package cannot be edited or resubmitted. Log in as State Point of Contact, and select the "Records" tab. Then select "Submission Packages" for your State. Next, select the link to the submission package you wish to withdraw. In the left panel, select "Related Actions". Next, select "Withdraw Submission Package". Then select the green button labeled "Withdraw Submission Package". A box will pop up, select "Yes". Once the submission package is withdrawn, you will be redirected to the Records screen. A yellow notification will appear briefly at the top of the page indicating "Action Completed Successfully".

FAQ ID:92891


How do I allow CMS to view my submission package prior to submitting?

After the State Editor has forwarded the submission package to the State Point of Contact for Reviewing, the State Point of contact should log into MACPro. Then go to the "Records" tab and select "Submission Packages" for your state. Select the submission package you wish for CMS to view. In the left panel, select "Related Actions". Next, select "Allow CMS to View Screen". On the Allow CMS to View Screen page, select "Yes" under Visibility Setting, and then select the green "Update Visibility" button in the bottom right corner.

Note: Selecting this option will permit the CMS review team to see the screens in this submission package as they are now. It does not cause the package to be submitted as Draft or Official, and does not start a CMS review clock. Validation of the screens is not required. Notify your CMS contact that viewing is available and who you wish to see it; MACPro does not notify CMS staff. You can deselect this option at any time.

FAQ ID:92896


What functions can my role perform?

Refer to the table below.

Role Actions
State Editor (SE)
  • Responsible for creating SPA submission packages
State Point of Contact (SPOC)
  • Responsible for reviewing and submitting the SPA submission package to CMS
  • Responds to Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) from CMS
  • Documents and reviews Correspondence Log
State Director (State Director)
  • Reviews and certifies SPA submission packages
State System Administrator (SSA)
  • Creates/maintains State Profile

FAQ ID:92901


How do I assign a SPA ID?

The SPA ID is assigned by the State Editor and entered in a field in Official Submission packages. The SPA ID (SS-YY-NNNN-xxxx) is assigned by the State in Official Submission Packages and consists of the State abbreviation (SS), they year (YY), a four character sequence number (NNNN), and an optional four character alpha and numeric (xxxx).

FAQ ID:92906


How do I access previous submission packages for my state?

Select the "Records" tab in the upper tool bar. Select "Submission Packages" for your state and then search for the package you would like to view.

FAQ ID:92911


What is the difference between a Draft Submission Package and Official Submission Package?

Official Submission Package

CMS suggests initially submitting simple program amendments or new programs that are similar to existing programs as official submission packages.

Draft Submission Package

CMS suggests submitting complex programs or new Health Home models and new targeted amendments as draft submission packages.

Official submissions start the 90 day policy clock upon submission to CMS for review and disposition.

Drafts submitted to CMS do not start the 90 Day Policy Clock.

CMS may review and view package. States may allow CMS to view the submission package informally prior to official submission.
CMS may approve, disapprove, request additional information (RAI), or submit a clarification for the official submission package. CMS may review, but cannot approve, disapprove, implement an RAI, or request clarification for the draft submission package.
The State may allow CMS to view the submission package informally prior to official submission. When CMS returns the package to the State they may provide feedback in the correspondence log or offline.
If the state chooses not to edit the returned draft package, it may be closed and converted to an official package for submission to CMS starting the 90 Day Policy Clock.
If the state chooses to edit the returned submission package, the state must re-submit the draft to CMS as a draft submission package for re-review prior to closing the draft submission and converting to an official submission package.
Closed draft submissions cannot be edited.
Official submissions that were converted from drafts cannot be edited with the exception of the SPA ID and proposed effective date prior to submissions to CMS.

FAQ ID:92916

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