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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

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Under CMS 2370-F, CMS has indicated that the CMS-64 will be modified for states to report the expenditures that will receive the 100 percent federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) for the increased expenditures for primary care services. Will the CMS-21 also be modified to report these expenditures for the CHIP Medicaid Expansion population?

No. The only expenditures that count against the CHIP allotment and must be reported on the CMS-21 are those related to the Medicaid rate in effect on July 1, 2009. The difference between those rates and the 2013 and 2014 Medicare rates eligible for 100 percent FMAP are Medicaid expenditures and are reported on the CMS 64.9.

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FAQ ID:92116


Under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act, will the one percentage point federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase apply to the expansion population after the period of 100% Federal match if the grade A and B services, etc. are covered without cost-sharing?

The newly eligible FMAP (described in section 1905(y)(1) of the Act) is 100 percent in calendar years 2014-2016, 95 percent in calendar year 2017, 94 percent in calendar year 2018, 93 percent in calendar year 2019, and 90 percent in calendar years 2020 and beyond.

For states who opt to provide the services mentioned in section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act without cost sharing, for calendar years 2014-2016, the one percentage point increase for newly eligible individuals wouldn't apply, as the FMAP for that group is 100 percent.

Starting in 2017 and beyond, when the newly eligible FMAP goes to 95 percent and below, the one percentage point increase for the services mentioned in section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act would apply to the newly eligibles. Example: For 2017, newly eligibles would receive 95 percent FMAP. If the state opts to provide the services mentioned in section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act without cost sharing, per the guidelines in State Medicaid Director Letter (SMDL) 13-002, the state would receive 96 percent FMAP on such services for the newly eligibles.

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FAQ ID:91621


Is it correct that any family planning service that also appear in services recognized under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act are not eligible for the 1% federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase since we receive a 90% match already?

Yes, that is correct. The one percentage point FMAP increase under section 4106 applies only to the FMAP set forth under section 1905(b) and section 1905(y) of the Act; it does not apply to FMAP rates under section 1903(a) of the Act. However, any family planning related service that also is recognized by section 4106 and matched at the state's regular FMAP is eligible to receive the one percentage point FMAP increase.

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FAQ ID:91636


Under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act, do we receive a 1% federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase for services provided to beneficiaries who have other health insurance coverage besides Medicaid?

If the state is meeting the requirements outlined in State Medical Director (SMD) letter #13-002, the state may receive the one percentage point FMAP increase on the Medicaid liability after coordination of benefits occurs.

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FAQ ID:91646


Under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act, are clinical preventive services that receive an I or C recommendation ineligible for Medicaid coverage? Are they ineligible for the increased federal financial participation (FFP)?

Clinical preventive services that receive an I or C recommendation are eligible for Medicaid coverage. States determine medical necessity criteria, and determine whether they will cover I or C recommended services. However, United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) grade I and C recommended services are not eligible for the one percentage point federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91661


Under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act, are clinical preventive services that receive a D recommendation ineligible for Medicaid coverage?

Clinical preventive services that receive a D recommendation are eligible for Medicaid coverage. States determine medical necessity criteria, and determine whether they will cover D recommended services. However, United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) grade D recommended services are not eligible for the one percentage point federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase.

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FAQ ID:91666


When will the guidance be available for whether unlicensed practitioners will be able to furnish the Affordable Care Act section 4106 services?

"Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Programs: Essential Health Benefits in Alternative Benefit Plans, Eligibility Notices, Fair Hearing and Appeal Processes, and Premiums and Cost Sharing; Exchanges: Eligibility and Enrollment Final Rule" (CMS-2334-F), published in the Federal Register on 7/15/2013, conformed the regulatory definition of preventive services at § 440.130(c) with the statute relating to the issue of who can be providers of preventive services. Per the final rule, effective 1/1/2014, preventive services may be recommended by a physician or other licensed practitioner. Therefore, unlicensed practitioners will be able to furnish preventive services (including the services mentioned in section 4106), based on the recommendation of a physician or other licensed practitioner, according to the provider qualifications established by each respective state, within broad federal parameters. In order for states to receive the one percentage point federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase for unlicensed practitioners, it is likely that a state plan amendment updating section (13)(c) of the state plan will be necessary. Please refer to the preventive service CMCS Informational Bulletin issued on November 27, 2013 for additional information regarding adding unlicensed practitioners to the preventive services section of the state plan.

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FAQ ID:91676


Under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act, can CMS recommend a list of current procedural terminology (CPT) and Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) codes to be covered for the corresponding United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) grade A and B recommendations?

While section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act states that USPSTF grade A and B services, Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended vaccines and their administration must be covered to secure the one percentage point FMAP increase, it is incumbent upon state Medicaid agencies to continue to work with, and communicate to, providers concerning state-specific systems and appropriate codes. The information provided by the American Medical Association in the below link (the CPT Code Pocket Guide: Preventive services with cost-sharing waived) can be used as a starting point in creating a cross-walk from the USPSTF and ACIP recommended codes, but it is not all-inclusive.

In addition, the October 2012 State Health Official (SHO) letter, gave the below web site address for HCPCS codes effective for service dates on or after January 1, 2012, and contacts within CMS for questions regarding HCPCS codes.


Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91686


The state is under the impression that they only need to update the 3.1-A coverage pages for preventive services to claim the 1% federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP) increase under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act. Does the state need to update their reimbursement pages as well to provide the required assurances?Can you please advise if CMS will require public notice in addition to the state plan amendment (SPA) for the 1% FMAP increase to take effect?

In order to receive the one percentage point FMAP increase, the state is required to submit a SPA with updated coverage pages. When a SPA is submitted with updated coverage pages, we will perform a review of the corresponding payment page(s). A state does not need to submit a SPA with revised payment pages, and conduct public notice, unless it wishes either to begin coverage and payment for these services or to change the existing payment rates (in other words, if the state already pays for the preventive services in some contexts, a payment SPA may not be needed if the state does not want to change the existing payment rate or methodology).

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91516


Under what portion of the state plan should the state add the Affordable Care Act section 4106 information?

The preventive services information should be placed in item (13)(c), preventive services, of the pre-print. The State Medicaid Director (SMD) letter #13-002 indicates the information that should be added to the 3.1-A (and at the state's option, the 3.1-B) coverage limitations pages. CMS is available to provide technical assistance before you submit the state plan amendment (SPA), or we can discuss the needed information during the review of your SPA.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91521

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