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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 21 to 25 of 25 results

I am an existing MMIS vendor under contract with a state. Who do I contact with questions about the new certification process?

Please work with your state representatives, so that they can contact CMS regional offices for quick assistance with your questions. In addition, please review other FAQs related to this topic.

FAQ ID:94431


What is the benefit for a state to have milestone reviews with CMS?

Milestone reviews have proven to reduce risk by having earlier discussions where CMS can identify opportunities for efficiencies, facilitate collaboration with other states, and share other ideas that can save time, money, and effort. Identifying issues and opportunities earlier in the process will allow for a much greater impact than was experienced under the old process.

FAQ ID:93976


We are procuring a COTS solution. This prevents us from providing some of the technical evidence requested in the certification checklists. Will this pose a problem?

CMS encourages the use of COTS solutions where possible, and the milestone review process supports certification of COTS products. The review criteria are intended to be tailorable to support different solutions, including COTS. In this case, the technical criteria in the checklists that do not apply to COTS may be marked ""Not Applicable"" with an explanation as to why they do not apply.

FAQ ID:93986


How many certification reviews will each state go through with CMS?

It depends. We consider various factors. If a state is developing a complete MMIS solution with one release date, then there will be three reviews: Project Initiation Review, Operational Milestone Review, and MMIS Certification Final Review. If a state has multiple release dates with a modular or agile approach, the state would have one set of three certification reviews with CMS for each module the state would like CMS to certify. Each state will start its certification effort by having an initial consultation with CMS to determine how CMS can schedule milestone reviews that fit with the state's plan.

FAQ ID:94011


Our state is using an agile approach to develop our MMIS and/or E&E replacement. How will the milestone review milestone review process support this approach?

CMS has developed a milestone review process that is flexible enough to be placed over several development methodologies. CMS wants to ensure that the milestone reviews benefit and do not burden the state. CMS works with each state individually to ensure that the timing of the milestones fit within the state's internal development timeline.

FAQ ID:94001

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