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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 11 to 15 of 15 results

Are states that provide durable medical equipment (DME) through a managed care arrangement required to submit the reconciliation data?

Only those items provided in the Medicaid program on a fee-for-service basis are to be included in the aggregate expenditure calculation. DME reimbursed under a Medicaid managed care arrangement or a Medicaid competitive bidding contract are not subject to the federal financial participation limitation.

FAQ ID:93541


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is saying this durable medical equipment (DME) limit on federal financial participation is applicable only to fee for service (FFS). How about the Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) waiver programs?

If the HCBS waiver includes FFS payments for DME, the state’s expenditures for DME would be subject to the limit.

FAQ ID:93546


When a state pays at or less than the Medicare rate is it required to submit an Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration using the template(s)?

No, if a state's payment methodology describes payment at no more than 100 percent of the Medicare rate for the period covered by the UPL then it does not need to submit a demonstration using the template(s). To show the state has met the annual UPL demonstration reporting requirement it should make CMS aware that it is paying no more than the Medicare rate.

FAQ ID:92201


How is the demonstration year defined? For example, if a state has a fiscal year starting on July 1, 2016 and ending on June 30, 2017, is the Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration entered with the SFY 2016/17 State Plan Amendment considered to be a "2016 demonstration" or a "2017 demonstration"?

The UPL demonstration year is defined according to the last year encompassed by the demonstration. For example, a UPL covering the period 07/01/2016 to 06/30/2017 is defined as the 2017 UPL.

FAQ ID:92231


How should Upper Payment Limit (UPL) supplemental payments be entered in the template?

The state should report the expected amount of supplemental payments to be made during the period covered by the UPL demonstration. Supplemental payments should be entered into variables 303.1, 303.2, and 303.3 for the Inpatient Hospital and Outpatient Hospital templates and 313.1, 313.2, and 313.3 for the Nursing Facility templates. The state should provide detail in the notes tab on the types of supplemental payments and the related dollar amount of each payment.

FAQ ID:92291

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