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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 41 to 50 of 82 results

Does higher payment apply to CHIP under CMS 2370-F?

The primary care provider rate increase does apply to the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Medicaid expansions but not separate (stand-alone) CHIPs. Qualified physicians who render the primary care services and vaccine administration services specified in the regulation will receive the benefit of higher payment for services provided to these Medicaid beneficiaries.

The State will receive 100 percent federal matching funds for the difference between the rate in effect 7/1/09 and the rate in calendar years (CYs) 2013 and 2014. The remainder of the payment will be funded at the CHIP matching rate, through the CHIP allotment. Services provided under separate (standalone) CHIPs are not eligible for higher payment.

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FAQ ID:91361


The rule under CMS 2370-F indicates that all limitations, conditions and policies that applied to the code prior to January 1, 2013 can be applied to the code after that date. If a state sets a reduced rate for a Level III emergency service (99283) if it is a triage service (based on criteria described in the state plan) can it continue to do so or must it pay 100 percent of the Medicare rate? If it can continue to reduce the rate, must it develop a "Medicare triage rate", or can it continue to use the Medicaid triage fee?

This rule does not affect the state's ability to define and operate its coding system, and a state could distinguish claims submitted from those otherwise identified with code 99283. For those claims, the state should develop a rate that it believes Medicare would pay if Medicare made a similar distinction for emergency services limited to triage services, and would then pay that rate. For claims that were not limited to triage services, the state would pay based on the established Medicare rate for code 99283.

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FAQ ID:91366


Is there a strategy for states to retain coverage of pregnant teens without being required to count parents' income in 2014?

States wishing to continue the practice of disregarding parental income may do so by adopting coverage of a reasonable classification of individuals under age 21 under section 42 CFR 435.222. In this case, the "reasonable classification" would be pregnant individuals under age 21 (or under age 18, 19, or 20). The statutory income standard for this group would be based on the state's AFDC payment standard in effect in the state in July 1996. But if a state uses section 1902(r)(2) of the Act to disregard all income for this group, as has been done for other reasonable classifications of children (such as those in state foster care), there will be no determination of income required for eligibility, and MAGI-based income requirements will not apply.

To effectuate this option, states should submit a state plan amendment (SPA) to amend Attachment 2.2-A of the Medicaid state plan to cover a reasonable classification of pregnant individuals under age 21 under 42 CFR 435.222. The state should also amend Supplement 8a to Attachment 2.6-A to disregard all income for this new group.

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FAQ ID:92601


Are Indian Health Services (IHS) excluded from the increased provider payments under CMS 2370-F? Is there any change in FMAP under CMS 2370-F for primary care services delivered through IHS?

IHS and tribal facilities are often not separately paid for physician services, but instead receive an all-inclusive rate for inpatient or outpatient service encounters. To the extent that a particular claim is made for primary care services furnished by an eligible physician, there is no exclusion from the requirement for provider payment at least equal to the Medicare Part B fee schedule rate. States would continue to receive Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) at the 100 percent rate for services received through IHS and tribal facilities and reimbursed through the all-inclusive rate. For other physician services, including Medicaid payments for contract health services, states would receive the regular FMAP for the base payment, and 100 percent for the difference between the state plan rate in effect on July 1, 2009 and the applicable 2013 and 2014 Medicare rates.

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FAQ ID:93956


The final rule under CMS 2370-F clarifies that the 60 percent threshold for eligibility is based on services billed. Are billed services to be defined based on the number of units submitted or dollars?

The 60 percent threshold is based on the number of billed services as identified by individual billing codes for the primary specialty being asserted. That is, the numerator equals total billed codes for Evaluation & Management (E&M) services for the primary specialty, plus vaccine administration services, and the denominator equals the total number of billed codes. Please note that a state may choose to use paid billing codes/services in place of billed codes.

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FAQ ID:93966


If a physician does not provide an attestation by a date established by the State, can the State apply the increased payment under CMS 2370-F prospectively only (that is, to dates of services on and after the date of attestation)? If not, are we correct that 42 CFR 447.45(d)(1) applies such that the claim for additional reimbursement is not payable if the attestation is not received within 12 months of the date of service?

States can establish reasonable timeframes regarding the submission of attestations by physicians. We are aware that many states are experiencing delays in implementing the provisions of the regulation and we have also been made aware that there is considerable confusion on the part of providers regarding enrollment. We expect that states will provide physicians with ample notice of the procedures for enrollment that physicians will be given several months to comply with the requirements. If the state sets a reasonable timeframe, such as three months, and physicians do not enroll within that time, we believe that the state could make payment prospectively from the date of the physician's application as long as this policy is made clear to providers.

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FAQ ID:93981


Does a physician have to self-attest under CMS 2370-F in 2014 as well as 2013? The rule does not indicate that the physician has to self-attest a second time and we don't want to do that, but some who qualified in 2013 (based on 2012 claims history) may not qualify in 2014 (based on 2013 claims history).

You are correct that the rule does not require the physician to submit a new self-attestation in 2014 although states could impose such a requirement. States can rely on the initial self-attestation for purposes of 2014 payments since we would not expect provider practices to vary significantly from year to year.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93991


What form must a physician use to self-attest and qualify for higher payment under CMS 2370-F under this provision?

Attestation forms are developed by the State Medicaid agencies. Physicians should contact their state Medicaid agency for information on the process for becoming eligible for higher payment in their state.

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FAQ ID:93996


While sports medicine is a subspecialty of internal medicine, it is also a subspecialty of non-primary care specialties? We would only qualify a physician for the board certification for the sports medicine subspecialty under CMS 2370-F when it is a subspecialty of internal medicine. Is this correct?

Yes, that is correct.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94006


With respect to self-attestation, if a provider only meets the 60 percent threshold or only meets the Board certification under CMS 2370-F, would the provider only have to attest to that one component to be eligible or is it necessary to meet both components?

Physicians must first self-attest to a primary care designation of internal medicine, family medicine or pediatrics. This attestation signifies that the physicians consider themselves to be eligible specialty practitioners. The self-attestation must then indicate whether the physicians consider themselves to be qualified because of appropriate Board certification or practice history as represented by a 60 percent claims history. Some physicians may be appropriately Board certified and have a 60 percent claims history.

There may be physicians with Board certification in a specialty not recognized for higher payment under the rule who actually practice as pediatricians, family practitioners or internists who would be eligible for higher payment. For example, an Obstetrician/Gynecologist (OB/GYN) who no longer practices in that specialty but practices as a family practitioner could appropriately self-attest to being a primary care provider. Such a provider would need to qualify based on the 60 percent threshold and not Board certification. Physicians that support their initial self-attestation with an attestation of appropriate Board certification can qualify only if they actually have the appropriate Board certification. Practice habits would not be applicable.

There may also be physicians with Board certification in one of the three eligible specialty areas who do not actually practice in those areas. They should not self-attest to being a primary care provider.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:94016

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