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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 31 to 40 of 99 results

How often are the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) and the National Summary Utilization Data updated and posted to the website?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) posts updated State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) according to the following schedule:

  • 1st Quarter (plus 5 preceding years of data): Available in August, and includes any late data reporting for 1st Quarter received from States through the end of June, plus any updates to the five preceding years of data.
  • 2nd Quarter (plus 5 preceding years of data): Available in November, and includes any late data reporting for 2nd Quarter received from States through the end of September, plus any updates to the 5  preceding years of data.
  • *3rd Quarter (update of all preceding years): Available in February, and includes any late data reporting for 3rd Quarter received from States through the end of December, plus any updates to the five preceding years of data.
  • 4th Quarter (plus 5 preceding years of data): Available in May, and includes any late data reporting for 4th Quarter received from States through the end of March, plus any updates to the five preceding years of data.

*An update of all preceding years of State Drug Utilization Data (1991 to 3rd Quarter) are posted to the website annually during the month of February. The data posted includes utilization information received from States through the end of December. The National Totals represent aggregate data by NDC-11.

See Also: With regards to State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD), is the data for each quarter's posting always comprehensive?

FAQ ID:92101


What Dataset Views are available for the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD)?

Per the state drug utilization data table, the "Dataset Views" dropdown selections available are:

  • State: State-specific data at the NDC-11 level, for a quarter/year.
  • Full Dataset (States + National Totals): A compilation of all the individual state utilization data (50 states plus Washington D.C.) and the National Totals at the NDC-11 level, for a selected year.
  • All States: Includes data for all states but does not include the National Totals
  • National Totals: Data are aggregated for all 50 states and Washington, D.C. at the NDC-11 level, for a quarter/year.

Since all of the states are combined in the National Totals, the state abbreviation will show on the "Annual State Detail" with a state abbreviation of "XX".

Users can also generate his or her own views of the dataset on data.medicaid.gov.

FAQ ID:91786


Why am I unable to see all of the data in the dataset/view?

You are likely running into a limitation of the program you are trying to use to analyze the data. Microsoft Excel allows 1,048,576 rows of data and many of our datasets exceed this limit.

We recommend users not use Excel for large datasets but instead use another application that can work with datasets of large size (e.g. Microsoft Access).

FAQ ID:91801


Why is there a State column labeled XX when viewed as National Totals in the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD)?

Since all of the states are combined in the National Totals, the state abbreviation will show on the "National Totals" and "Annual State Detail" option as "XX".

See Also:

FAQ ID:91811


Why does some State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) have an asterisk?

As CMS is obligated by the Federal Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 C.F.R Parts 160 and 164, to protect the privacy of individual beneficiaries and other persons, all direct identifiers have been removed and data that are less than eleven (11) counts are suppressed. An asterisk (*) notes suppressed data. CMS applies counter or secondary suppression in cases where only one prescription is suppressed for primary reasons, e.g. one prescription in a state. Also, if one sub-group (e.g. number of prescription) is suppressed, then the other sub-group is suppressed.

See Also:

FAQ ID:91831


Is the redacted State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) available to the public?

No. In accordance with federal laws, State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) that has been suppressed is not available for public consumption.  As CMS is obligated by the Federal Privacy Act, 5 U.S.C. Section 552a and the HIPAA Privacy Rule, 45 C.F.R Parts 160 and 164, to protect the privacy of individual beneficiaries and other persons, all direct identifiers have been removed and data that are less than eleven (11) counts are suppressed. A checkmark in the "Suppression Used" column notes suppressed data. CMS applies counter or secondary suppression in cases where only one prescription is suppressed for primary reasons, (e.g., one prescription in a state). Also, if one sub-group (e.g., number of prescriptions) is suppressed, then the other sub-group is suppressed.

FAQ ID:91856


Does the State Drug Utilization Data (SDUD) reported for each quarter's posting always include all of the quarterly data reported by states?

If the data arrives late, it may miss the quarterly posting. However, it will be included in the next quarter's web posting.

FAQ ID:91916


What federal matching rate will apply for services for which a higher payment is made under CMS 2370-F if the services also qualify for a higher FMAP under the provisions of section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act?

In qualifying states, certain United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) grade A or B preventive services and vaccine administration codes are eligible for a one percent FMAP increase under section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act (which amended sections 1902(a)(13) and 1905(b) of the Act). Some of these services may also qualify as a primary care services eligible for an increase in the payment rates under section 1202 of the Affordable Care Act. For these services the federal matching rate is 100 percent for the difference between the Medicaid rate as of July 1, 2009 and the payment made pursuant to section 1202 (the increase). The federal matching payment for the portion of the rate related to the July 1, 2009 base payment would be the regular Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) rate, except that this rate would be increased by one percent if the provisions of section 4106 of the Affordable Care Act are applicable.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91076


When will states begin making higher payment for Evaluation and Management services reimbursed fee for service under CMS 2370-F?

Effective for dates of service on and after January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2014, states are required by law to reimburse qualified providers at the rate that would be paid for the service (if the service were covered) under Medicare. Most states and the District of Columbia will need to submit a Medicaid state plan amendment (SPA) to increase Medicaid rates up to this level. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a state plan amendment (SPA) preprint for the purpose of expediting review and approval of the primary care payment increase.

For dates of service starting January 1, 2013 qualified providers are entitled to receive the higher payment in accordance with the approved Medicaid state plan amendment. States may not have attestation procedures or higher fee schedule rates in place on January 1, 2013. In that event, providers will likely continue to be reimbursed the 2012 rates for a limited period of time. Once attestation procedures are in place and providers are identified as eligible for higher payment, the state will make one or more supplemental payments to ensure that providers receive payment for the difference between the amount paid and the Medicare rate. Qualified providers should receive the total due to them under the provision in a timely manner.

A state may draw federal financial participation for the higher payments only after the SPA methodology is approved.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91271

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