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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 71 to 80 of 394 results

When will the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) provide standardized contract language reflecting the requirements of this provision as mentioned during the All-State Call on November 8th?

CMS will be working collaboratively with the National Association of Medicaid Directors (NAMD) to develop the contract elements necessary to reflect the requirements of this rule. In recognition of the State Medicaid Agency's role in the contracting practice, CMS will describe the suggested content areas rather than issue standardized contractual language. These elements will be described in further detail in a future (Question and Answer) Q&A document.

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FAQ ID:91421


How will states with Medicaid managed care programs comply with the requirement to report provider participation levels specified in 42 CFR 447.400(d)(1)?

At this time, the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is not defining the form of information required under 42 CFR 447.400(d)(1), but we do suggest that states with Medicaid managed care programs conduct a baseline assessment of primary care access before the provision goes into effect. This baseline assessment will ensure that Congress, CMS, and researchers have comparative data to evaluate this provision.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91426


My state has been affected by a natural disaster and/or a public health emergency has been declared. I am on Medicaid and my children are on CHIP. I have a question about our coverage. Who should I call?

Contact your state Medicaid agency. They can help answer your coverage questions and what to do when you have an access problem due to the declared emergency.

FAQ ID:95046


I have a question about my Medicaid account. What is your phone number?

Contact your state Medicaid agency. They can help you get replacement cards and answer your questions about what services are covered, providers to use, and how to renew your eligibility.

FAQ ID:94571


Many State demonstrations require that a transition plan to 2014 be submitted by a specified date, in many cases by July 1, 2012. Will CMS provide guidance and technical assistance before then? What specifically is required to be included in the transition plan?

CMS plans to provide technical assistance on transition plans to States through the State Operations and Technical Assistance Team (SOTA) calls and through other calls with the State. We will also be providing additional guidance about the information that should be included in the transition plans. We will consider the transition plans that need to be submitted by the due date as living documents that are open to revision, and will continue to work with States to ensure a seamless transition in 2014 for beneficiaries and States.

Supplemental Links:


FAQ ID:93021


How do I apply for (or renew) Medicaid or CHIP?

Your state will determine if you qualify for Medicaid. Contact your state for renewal or application information.

FAQ ID:93381


Who can tell me if I am eligible for Medicaid?


Since Medicaid is administered by the Medicaid agency in your state, eligibility may vary from one state to another. Contact your state Medicaid Agency with questions, or see if you qualify by applying. CMS is the federal agency that works with state Medicaid agencies to make sure they comply with federal laws and regulations.

FAQ ID:94506


I want to apply for Medicaid or get coverage for my child. Who do I contact?

Your state will determine if you qualify for Medicaid. Contact your state for renewal or application information.

FAQ ID:94516


I want to talk to someone at the federal level. Who do I contact?

State Medicaid and CHIP agencies have the primary responsibility for operation of the Medicaid and CHIP programs and they are your first and primary resource for assistance with your Medicaid and CHIP related questions, particularly as it relates to your eligibility status or benefits. If you have already contacted your State Medicaid Agency, you may contact the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as follows:

Toll-Free: 877-267-2323
Local: 410-786-3000
TTY Toll-Free: 866-226-1819
TTY Local: 410-786-0727
Medicaid.gov Mailbox: Medicaid.gov@cms.hhs.gov

FAQ ID:94561


How should states account for the cost of the Health Insurance Providers Fee in their actuarially sound capitation rates?

States and their actuaries have flexibility in incorporating the Health Insurance Providers Fee into the state's managed care capitation rates. This fee is not unlike other taxes and fees that actuaries regularly reflect in developing capitation rates as part of the nonbenefit portion of the rate. CMS believes that the Health Insurance Providers Fee is therefore a reasonable business cost to health plans that is appropriate for consideration as part of the non-benefit component of the rate, just as are other taxes and fees.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:91126

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