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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 51 to 60 of 112 results

Will states receive detailed reconciliation data returned to them after submitting their durable medical equipment (DME) federal financial participation limit demonstration?

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will analyze state data provided to CMS and return the detailed information comparing the data sent from the state to the lowest and average Medicare rates for the relevant DME in the state on the aggregate. CMS will work with states during 2018 to assist with reporting necessary information under the new statute, and will run data reports for states before the end of the year if requested. A state that wishes this review should contact the Medicaid DME team by email at: MedicaidDME@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:93596


Should states set both a purchase and rental rate for capped rental items on the report since Medicaid pays purchase only for some of the Medicare capped rental items due to market demands?

States are not required to change how they pay for items because of the statute. If a Medicaid program only purchases Medicare capped rental items, then that is the payment and utilization we will compare to Medicare’s rates in determining the aggregate expenditures. States are not obligated to alter their coverage of durable medical equipment due to the statute.

FAQ ID:93601


If Medicare changes a rate mid-year, how will the reporting requirement account for that change? Or how will the state be informed of the change?

For the aggregate demonstration of Medicaid expenditures, we intend to use the Medicare rates released for services on or after January 1 of each year. We would suggest that states setting their rates according to Medicare rates in the state plan would follow a similar practice. States are, of course, welcome to use the quarterly updates of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics and supplies (DMEPOS) if that’s their intention, but we are not requiring those rate updates beyond the January 1 DMEPOS update.

FAQ ID:93606


How can a state contact the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for help with the federal financial participation (FFP) Limit for state expenditures for durable medical equipment (DME)? Where can a state submit statements and supporting evidence that the states are already in compliance with this DME limit on FFP based on the state using Medicare rates?

For technical assistance with the implementation efforts and assistance with determining if current state practices are below the FFP limit, please contact the Medicaid DME mailbox: MedicaidDME@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:93476


Where can states find a list of the Medicare competitive bidding areas (CBAs), including zip codes and areas of the state, and how does a state find out if it has CBAs?

States may review Medicare’s CBAs through the following website for the most up-to-date information: www.dmecompetitivebid.com. In the alternative, the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) has a list of states and CBAs by state that is available upon request. We will monitor the lists and update them with any necessary Medicare changes. As of January 1, 2018, the following states and territories do not have CBAs: Alaska, Maine, Vermont, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, and all of the US territories.

FAQ ID:93481


Please clarify that state flexibility to reimburse in the aggregate extends to reimbursement rates for I/T/U pharmacies and FSS drugs, and that states can establish rates that are based on a variety of data sources, which may include FSS prices, national and State price surveys, AMP data, and other price benchmarks.

The new AAC requirements were designed to more accurately reflect the pharmacy providers' actual prices paid to acquire drugs and the professional services required to fill a prescription. We agree that each state is able to establish rates that satisfy (or are consistent with) AAC and may be based on a variety of data sources, which may include FSS prices, and other pricing benchmarks.

FAQ ID:95111


Does CMS participate in the state's life cycle gate reviews?

No. CMS does not participate the state's in E&E or in MMIS system development life cycle (SDLC) level reviews.

FAQ ID:95056


Does the IV&V 18-month compliance period apply to E&E systems?

Yes. The rules pertaining to procuring IV&V contracts (State Medicaid Director Letter 16-010) apply to both E&E and MMIS.

FAQ ID:95061


Do the documents in the artifacts table need to be created for every module?

In most cases once they are created, the documents will simply be updated to account for the additional modules being planned or developed. A new document is not necessarily created for each module. If a state calls a document by a different name, the state should inform CMS of the name difference.

FAQ ID:95076


CALT is no longer available. Where should state artifacts and evidence be posted?

Granting CMS direct access to the state's evidence repository is the preferred method for making evidence available to CMS. If that is not possible, the state may make other secure arrangements with CMS, such as using encrypted File Transfer Protocol (FTP). It is critical to follow all Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations when submitting evidence that contains personal health information (PHI) and personally identifiable information (PII).

FAQ ID:95081

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