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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 21 to 30 of 67 results

Can the Systems Integrator (SI) be awarded contracts for development of modular components within the MMIS project?

Yes. While CMS envisions a discrete role for the System Integrator (SI) in each state, with specific focus on ensuring the integrity and interoperability of the Medicaid IT architecture and coherence of the various modules incorporated into the Medicaid system complex, it is permissible for an SI to provide modules as part of the overall solution. The target outcome for the SI in support of the state should be to foster best-in-breed solutions for Medicaid business requirements, with the SI responsible for the successful integration of the chosen solutions and infrastructure into a seamless functional system. The SI must ensure that all modules have open APIs and remain loosely coupled. More information on the SI role can be found in Section 1.7 of the Medicaid Enterprise Certification Life Cycle, part 01 of the MECT. States are encouraged to use an acquisition approach that limits the potential for conflict of interest an SI may have in choosing the modular solutions to be incorporated into the system. As described above, the goal is to avoid lock-in to a single vendor or an otherwise closed set of solutions.

FAQ ID:94916


Can a state decide to be its own MMIS systems integrator?

CMS encourages the use of an SI outside the state agency, but states can consider themselves in that role if they can support that effort and if that decision is made with consultation and agreement from CMS. For more information about the role of the SI, see Section 1.7 in part 01 of MECT Medicaid Enterprise Certification Life Cycle. https://www.medicaid.gov/medicaid/data-and-systems/mect/index.html

FAQ ID:94921


Does CMS MMIS certification support non-traditional claims processing models, such as using an Administrative Services Organization or "claims processing as a service" approach?

Yes. The certification checklist defines a set of business and technical requirements that a particular Medicaid function must meet. The checklists and criteria are agnostic as to whether the requirements are met by a system built within the Medicaid Agency, a Software-as-a-Service model, a cloud-hosted model, or an ASO model.

FAQ ID:94461


Is MITA considered during milestone reviews?

Yes, our milestone review process is fully aligned with MITA. During each milestone review, CMS will verify that the state has considered MITA maturity during system definition, and whether the state is actively moving toward higher MITA maturity as defined in the state's latest MITA State Self-Assessment. Please see 42 CFR 433.112 (b)(11).

FAQ ID:94476


I am a vendor not currently in the Medicaid space, but interested in learning more about opportunities for MMIS and/or E&E modular solutions. Whom can I contact for more information?

CMS is looking for new innovators in the Medicaid IT space. Please direct inquiries to: mmis_mes_certification@cms.hhs.gov.

FAQ ID:94416


I am an existing MMIS vendor under contract with a state. Who do I contact with questions about the new certification process?

Please work with your state representatives, so that they can contact CMS regional offices for quick assistance with your questions. In addition, please review other FAQs related to this topic.

FAQ ID:94431


How should a state that has a section 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver that is limited to EPSDT-age individuals but includes services related to Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) that are now available through the state plan respond to this policy clarification?

The ASD-related services should be provided through the Medicaid state plan for the EPSDT-eligible individuals, rather than the 1915(c) waiver. CMS will work with states to ensure that such services are able to be made available under the state plan. Accordingly, CMS with also work with states to remove the service from the 1915(c) home and community-based services waiver at the next amendment or renewal, whichever comes first.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93206


Has CMS mandated Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services for children under 21 with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

No. Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is one treatment modality for ASD. CMS is not endorsing or requiring any particular treatment modality for ASD. State Medicaid agencies are responsible for determining what services are medically necessary for eligible individuals. States are expected to adhere to long-standing EPSDT obligations for individuals from birth to age 21, including providing medically necessary services available for the treatment of ASD.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93211


When will CMS begin to assess state compliance with coverage requirements for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

There is no specific time frame for CMS review of state practices in this area. The CMCS Informational Bulletin released July 7, 2014 (see http://www.medicaid.gov/Federal-PolicyGuidance/Downloads/CIB-07-07-14.pdf (PDF, 143.2 KB)), related to Autism Spectrum Disorder discusses the obligations under the Medicaid statute and regulations that are already in effect. However, CMS recognizes that states may not have focused on the application of these requirements in this area. As a result, a state may need time to review its current program policies to determine if changes are needed to existing state regulations and/or policy to ensure compliance. States may also want to confer with the stakeholder community for public input on the benefit design of autism services for children. CMS believes states should complete this work expeditiously and should not delay or deny provision of medically necessary services. CMS is available to provide technical assistance to states to ensure the availability of services that children may need.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93221


Do states need to submit a Medicaid state plan amendment (SPA) to offer benefits to individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)?

In order to have services reimbursed under the Federal Medicaid program, a service must meet the definition of a coverable service under section 1905(a) of the Social Security Act. Treatment for ASD is not specifically referenced as a section 1905(a) service. However, some treatment modalities, or components of such treatment modalities, are within the scope of the federal Medicaid program under the following service categories: section 1905(a)(6) Other Licensed Practitioner (OLP), section 1905(a)(13) Preventive Services, and section 1905(a)(11) Therapies :. States may provide services to address ASD under each of these benefit categories. States will need to determine what, if any, steps are needed to implement this policy clarification. In keeping with the role of the Medicaid state plan as a comprehensive written statement of the nature and scope of services available under the state's Medicaid program, a SPA is strongly encouraged to articulate the state's menu of services for ASD treatment.

Supplemental Links:

FAQ ID:93231

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