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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions are used to provide additional information and/or statutory guidance not found in State Medicaid Director Letters, State Health Official Letters, or CMCS Informational Bulletins. The different sets of FAQs as originally released can be accessed below.

Showing 21 to 25 of 25 results

Are Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) systems now going to be certified the way MMIS systems are certified?

No, E&E systems are not subject to certification. Though the Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment Toolkit (MEET) was based on the MMIS toolkit, the MEET was created as a way to align how CMS reviews Medicaid enterprise systems and is a means for CMS to provide technical assistance to the states.

FAQ ID:95096


Based on CMS guidance, states may take up to 18 months to bring an IV&V contractor on board to perform certification tasks or align current IV&V contract to comply with CMS guidance pertaining to scope of services and financial independence. What must the state do if the IV&V contractor's start up is delayed?

IV&V contractor activities must still be performed such as checklist evaluation, artifact review and preparation of IV&V Progress Reports. The state should provide a plan and timeline for how these activities will be supported and performed until the proper IV&V contract can be either procured or aligned with updated CMS guidance on IV&V.

FAQ ID:94866


What is the applicability of Minimum Acceptable Risk Standards for Exchanges (MARS-E) 2.0 to states' Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS)?

MARS-E 2.0 compliance is not required by CMS for states' MMIS, but CMS recommends that states follow applicable national privacy and security standards and practices for their MMIS. MARS-E 2.0 compliance is required for states' Medicaid/CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment (E&E) systems in order to maintain their Authority to Connect with CMS. Link for more information about MARS-E 2.0: https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/downloads/cib-09-23-2015.pdf (PDF, 105.5 KB).

FAQ ID:94871


Can state Medicaid agencies access federal financial participation (FFP) to support system changes necessary to meet HIPAA, NIST cybersecurity, or MARS-E 2.0 standards?

For E&E and MMIS, enhanced FFP funding is available at 90 percent via the usual Advanced Planning Document process.

FAQ ID:94876


What is the benefit for a state to have milestone reviews with CMS?

Milestone reviews have proven to reduce risk by having earlier discussions where CMS can identify opportunities for efficiencies, facilitate collaboration with other states, and share other ideas that can save time, money, and effort. Identifying issues and opportunities earlier in the process will allow for a much greater impact than was experienced under the old process.

FAQ ID:93976

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