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Managed Long Term Services & Supports FAQs

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has contracted with Mathematica Policy Research1 and its partner, the National Committee for Quality Assurance, to develop measures for people receiving long term services and supports through managed care organizations and prepaid inpatient health plans. These measures provide information about assessment and care planning processes with Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) plan members, as well as Long Term Services and Supports use and rebalancing, that can be used by states, managed care plans, and other stakeholders for quality improvement purposes.

These frequently asked questions provide additional information and address common questions about these measures. View a printer-friendly version of these frequently asked questions.

1Measures developed as part of CMS contract: Quality Measure Development and Maintenance for CMS Programs Serving Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees and Medicaid-Only Enrollees, HHSM-500-2013-13011I, Task Order #HHSM- 500-T0004.

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Where can I find the technical specifications and other materials related to Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) measures?

The technical specifications and webinar materials for these measures are available on the MLTSS page:

FAQ ID:89021
Who should I contact if I have additional questions about the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) measures?

If you have additional questions about these measures, please submit your question to the technical assistance mailbox at MLTSSmeasures@cms.hhs.gov for assistance.

FAQ ID:89026
Why were the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) measures developed?

As more states shift to MLTSS and gain more experience, the need to measure program outcomes and quality has increased. The new quality measures, which were carefully designed for beneficiaries enrolled in MLTSS plans, represent a major step forward in giving the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), states, MLTSS plans, providers, and consumers the ability to compare the performance of MLTSS programs and plans within and across states. Specifically, CMS wanted to create nationally-standardized measures meeting importance, usability, feasibility, and scientific validity and reliability standards for use across MLTSS plans and state Medicaid programs to fill key gaps in MLTSS measure domains while not duplicating other measures that have been developed or are currently under development.

FAQ ID:89031
Would an admission to an institutional facility following a discharge from another facility two days prior be considered a direct transfer?

No, these would be two distinct institutional stays; do not remove this admission from the Long Term Services and Supports Successful Transition after Long-Term Institutional Stay measure denominator.

FAQ ID:91186
How should I account for a member's death when calculating the Long Term Services and Supports Successful Transition after Long-Term Institutional Stay member's numerator and denominator?

If the member died in the institution or within one day of discharge from the institution, do not include their admission in the denominator. Members who died one day after discharge are excluded because of the high number of deaths the day after discharge observed while testing this measure; such members are unlikely to have been discharged alive. If the member died between day 2 and day 60 during the 60 days following discharge from the long-term institutional stay, do not include their discharge in the numerator.

FAQ ID:91191
Must the Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment take place in the home?

Yes, the assessment for the LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure is required to take place in the member’s home as a face-to-face discussion unless certain exceptions are met. These exceptions include circumstances in which:

  • The member was offered an in-home assessment and refused the in-home assessment (either refused to allow the care manager into the home or requested a telephone assessment instead of an in-home assessment).
  • The member is residing in an acute or post-acute care facility (hospital, skilled nursing facility, other post-acute care facility) during the assessment time period.
  • The state policy, regulation, or other state guidance excludes the member from a requirement for in-home assessment.

FAQ ID:89086
What if a Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) member refuses an LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment?

There must be documentation of the refusal, which would result in exclusion from the measure. The rate of exclusion due to a member refusing to participate should also be reported along with the measure performance rate.

FAQ ID:89101
What if a Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) member could not be reached for an LTSS Comprehensive Assessment and Update measure assessment?

There must be documentation that at least three attempts were made to reach the member, and that the member could not be reached, which would result in exclusion from the measure. The rate of exclusion due to inability to reach a member should also be reported along with the measure performance rate.

FAQ ID:89106
Must the completion of a Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) comprehensive care plan take place in the home?

No, for the LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update measure, the care plan does not have to take place in the member’s home. However, it must be done face-to-face unless certain exceptions are met. These exceptions include circumstances in which:

  • The member was offered a face-to-face discussion and refused (either refused a face-to-face encounter or requested a telephone discussion instead of a face-to-face discussion).
  • The state policy, regulation, or other state guidance excludes the member from a requirement for face-to-face discussion of a care plan.

FAQ ID:89146
What if there are multiple Managed Long Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) LTSS Comprehensive Care Plan and Update care plans documented during the measurement period?

Use the most recently updated care plan.

FAQ ID:89151
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