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Upper Payment Limit FAQs

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How should a state report Upper Payment Limit (UPL) data for out of state providers?

The UPL data for out of state providers does not need to be included in the UPL demonstration. If the state has provider level data then it may include it in the demonstration within the private ownership category of providers.

FAQ ID:92426
How should cost data reported for a partial year be treated either when one hospital acquires another hospital or a hospital ceases operation?

When a hospital acquires another hospital, the state should use all available data to determine the UPL and work with CMS to assure appropriate reporting. When a hospital ceases operation, the state should not annualize data if it does not cover a 12-month period.

FAQ ID:92391
How should more than two adjustments to the per diem be addressed in the nursing facility template for both Medicare and Medicaid Per Diem?

A state may report adjustments by using the following variables: Adjustments to Medicare Per Diem #1 - Variable 212.1 and Adjustments to Medicare Per Diem #2 - Variable 212.2 for the Medicare Per Diem and Adjustment to Medicaid Per Diem #1 - Variable 314.1 and Adjustment to Medicaid Per Diem #2 - Variable 314.2 for the Medicaid Per Diem. A state may report more than one adjustment under a single variable. For example, if the state has three adjustments to their Medicaid per diem, one of these adjustments can be reported in variable 314.1 and the other two adjustments can be added together and reported in variable 314.2. When reporting any adjustment, the state must provide a detailed description of the adjustment(s) in the notes tab.

FAQ ID:92296
How should Upper Payment Limit (UPL) supplemental payments be entered in the template?

The state should report the expected amount of supplemental payments to be made during the period covered by the UPL demonstration. Supplemental payments should be entered into variables 303.1, 303.2, and 303.3 for the Inpatient Hospital and Outpatient Hospital templates and 313.1, 313.2, and 313.3 for the Nursing Facility templates. The state should provide detail in the notes tab on the types of supplemental payments and the related dollar amount of each payment.

FAQ ID:92291
If a state's inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, or nursing facility Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstration has been approved by CMS for demonstration year 2018, does the UPL template still need to be populated and submitted for 2018?

No, states that already have submitted their 2018 (07/01/2017 - 06/30/2018) inpatient hospital, outpatient hospital, or nursing facility services UPL demonstrations will not have to resubmit using the templates. In that instance, CMS will populate the templates using data already submitted by the state.

FAQ ID:92211
If we complete multiple inpatient templates for Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) and per diem, should they be in the same file or separate files? Should there be a summary of all the inpatient Upper Payment Limits (UPLs) showing grand totals?

The state should complete one template each for the DRG and per diem UPL calculations and these should be placed in one file. The state should also include a summary worksheet in the same file that shows the UPL gap for each ownership category (state government owned, non-state government owned, and private). States should include all necessary supporting documentation.

FAQ ID:92276
Is the state required to report in the Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility (PRTF) Upper Payment Limit (UPL) template the number of service days for Medicaid beneficiaries?

Yes, the state is required to report the number of Medicaid days. This information is recorded at variable 310 – Medicaid days.

FAQ ID:92421
May a state use all-payer data or the Medicare-specific data from the Medicare Hospital Cost Report (CMS Form 2552) to calculate the cost-to-charge ratios?

Yes, a state may choose between using all-payer data or Medicare-specific data from the Medicare Hospital Cost Report (CMS Form 2552) to determine the cost-to-charge ratios.

FAQ ID:92406
Now that Upper Payment Limit (UPL) demonstrations are submitted to a central e-mailbox, will the CMS Regional Office still have a role in reviewing UPL demonstrations or will the review be performed by the Central Office?

The Regional Office will continue to review state UPL demonstrations and states will continue to work with the CMS Regional Offices as a first point of contact concerning their UPL demonstrations.

FAQ ID:92256
One of the required fields in the Nursing Facility template is the Medicare Provider Number (Medicare Certification Number - Variable 112), but not all facilities are Medicare certified. How should data be entered for these facilities since it is a required field?

When a Medicare provider number is not available, such as for some nursing facilities, the state should populate variable 112 using the acronym NMC, which stands for "Not Medicare Certified". Adding this information will help to clearly identify the facility's status.

FAQ ID:92286
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