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Medicaid and CHIP Quality Resource Library

The Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services (CMCS) partners with states to share best practices and provide technical assistance to improve the quality of care for our beneficiaries. Type in a key search term to see what resources are available, or use the filters below to search and browse our quality improvement resources by Medicaid and CHIP Core Set domain and other fields.


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Materials from the Postpartum Care Action Learning Series (2013-2014)
Data and Statistics, Fact Sheet or TA Briefs, Issue Brief, Quality Measure Guidance, Webinar - Series to build Medicaid/CHIP capacity for quality improvement (QI) by providing voluntary training and support for teams that want to get started or continue implementing a maternal and infant health project. Teams were guided in implementing QI projects that were designed to start producing results within a ten-month timeframe, PC-01: Elective Delivery (PC01-AD), PC-02: Cesarean Birth (PC02-CH), Live Births Weighing Less Than 2,500 Grams (LBW-CH), Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Timeliness of Prenatal Care (PPC-CH), Prenatal and Postpartum Care: Postpartum Care (PPC-AD), Well-Child Visits in the First 15 Months of Life (W15-CH).
Search Terms
Maternal and Perinatal Health, Birth Outcomes, Contraceptive Care, Delivery Outcomes, Postpartum Care, Prenatal Care, Primary Care Access and Preventative Care, Adult Screenings, Childhood Screenings, Well-Child Visits, Screenings and Follow-Up, Tobacco Use Treatment, Care of Acute and Chronic Conditions, Diabetes, HIV Care, Hospitalizations and Readmissions
Adult Medicaid Quality Grants: Summary of Maternal and Infant Health Quality Improvement Projects
State experiences - Presents summaries of maternal and infant health quality improvement projects supported by the Adult Medicaid Quality Grants.
Search Terms
Maternal and Perinatal Health, Birth Outcomes, Contraceptive Care, Postpartum Care, Prenatal Care, Adult Screenings, Screenings and Follow-Up, Diabetes
An Assessment of the Adult Medicaid Quality Grants
Policy Guidance - Presents the assessment overview for the Adult Medicaid Quality Grants, including the overall assessment goals and technical approach to the assessment.
Colorado Adult Medicaid Quality Grant Program
State experiences - Summary of two quality improvement projects in Colorado: 1) Improving Mental Health by Increasing Screening and Follow-Up for Depression, and 2) Improving Diabetes Care by Increasing the Annual Hemoglobin A1c Testing Rate. Interventions, results, challenges and barriers to success, infrastructure, data analytics, and lessons learned described. Antidepressant Medication Management (AMM-AD)
Search Terms
Adult Screenings, Behavioral Health, Medication Management, Screenings and Follow-Up, Care of Acute and Chronic Conditions, Diabetes
InCK Award Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet or TA Briefs - Provides an overview of the Integrated Care for Kids (InCK) Model, a child-centered local service delivery and state payment model aimed at reducing expenditures and improving the quality of care for children covered by Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). The fact sheet focuses on how the InCK Model can be used to prevent opioid abuse among adolescents.
Search Terms
Behavioral Health, Opioids
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